Clarification of Titles to Land (Deeds of Concession) Act

Act 18 of 1961


Clarification of Titles to Land (Deeds of Concession) Act

Act 18 of 1961

  • Commenced on 24 July 1961
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]
[Act 18 of 1961; S.I 72 of 1976; Act 23 of 1976]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Clarification of Titles to Land (Deeds of Concession) Act.

2. Land held under deed of concession demmed held in full legal ownership

(1)A person holding land in Seychelles under a deed of concession granted by the Crown before the date on which this Act comes into force shall, notwithstanding the terms and conditions set out in such deed of concession, be deemed to hold such land in full legal ownership as if under such deed of concession, the said full legal ownership of the land had been transferred by the Republic for valuable consideration without any of the said terms and conditions.
(2)The title of any such person to the land shall not be impugned, invalidated or forfeited by reason that any of the terms or conditions of the deed of concession has been broken or has not been complied with.

3. Provisions of section 2 to apply to original grantee etc.

The foregoing provisions shall apply to an original grantee and to his heirs and assigns and to any person deriving title from such original grantee or his heirs or assigns.

4. Act to bind the Republic but without effect on the prerogative of the Republic

This Act shall bind the Republic:Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect, limit or curtail any prerogative right of the Republic existing in Seychelles.

5. Interpretation

In this Act "concession" shall mean a grant of land effected by an instrument under the public seal or a deed expressed to be issued or made by virtue of the power and authority vested by the Sovereign in the grantor or in the name of the Sovereign, but shall not include sales, leases or other contracts relating to land made between the Government of Seychelles and private parties and executed by such parties.
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
24 July 1961