Courts (Supreme Court) Rules, 2013

Statutory Instrument 48 of 2013

Courts Act

Courts (Supreme Court) Rules, 2013

Statutory Instrument 48 of 2013

  • Published on 6 June 2013
  • Assented to on 4 June 2013
  • Commenced on 6 June 2013
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
[SI 48 of 2013]

1. Citation

These Rules may be cited as the Courts (Supreme Court) Rules, 2013.

2. Sitting of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of Seychelles shall, as from 10th June 2013, ordinarily sit in the Palais de Justice, Ile du Port, for the exercise of Civil and Admiralty Jurisdictions. Extraordinary sittings of the Supreme Court may continue to be held at the former Supreme Court, as the Chief Justice may direct.
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History of this document

01 December 2014 this version
06 June 2013
04 June 2013
Assented to