Breadfruit and Other Trees (Protection) Act

Act 20 of 1917


Breadfruit and Other Trees (Protection) Act

Act 20 of 1917

  • Commenced on 29 December 1917
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]
[Act 20 of 1917; S.I 95 of 1975; S.I 104 of 1975; Act 23 of 1976; S.I 62 of 1998]


This Act may be cited as the Breadfruit and Other Trees (Protection) Act.


In this Act the word "destroy" includes fell, cut, bark or mutilate but shall not include any lopping or paring or any other act which shall be for the benefit of the tree so treated.


Any person who shall destroy or cause to be destroyed any of the trees specified in the schedule whether on his ownproperty or on the property of any other person, without having received the written permission of the Chief of Agricultural Officer so to do, shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty Rupees for each tree destroyed, in addition to three times the value of each tree.


The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, add to or amend the schedule.



 Botanical nameCommon name
1.Adenanthera pavoninaLagati (Agathie)
2.Albizia falcatariaAlbizya (Albazia)
3.Terminalia catappaBodanmyen (Badamier)
4.Hernandia catappaBwa Blan (Bois Blanc)
5.Imbricaria sechellarumBwa-d-Nat (Bois de Natte)
6.Heritiera littoralisBwa-d-Tab (Bois de Table)
7.Alstonia macrophyliaBwa-Zonn (Bois Jaune)
8.Sideroxylon ferrugineumBwa Mazanbik (Bois Mozambique)
9.Albizia lebekBwa Nwar (Bois Noir)
10.Dillenia ferrugineaBwa Rouz (Bois Rouge)
11.Tabebuia pallidaKalis Dipap (Calice du Pape)
12.Casuarina equisetifoliaSed (Cedre, Filao)
13.Eucallyptus sp.Kaliptis (Eucalyptus)
14.Artocarpus altilisFriapen (Arbre a Pain)
15.Intsia bijugaGayak (Gayac)
16.Artocarpus intergrifoliaZak (Jaquier)
17.Melia dubiaLilak (Lilac)
18.Swietenia macrophyllaMaogani (Mahogany)
19.Eugenia malaccensisPonm Governman (Pomme Gouvernement)
20.Pterocarpus indicaSandragon (Sandragon)
21.Sandoricum indicumSantol (Santol)
22.Calophyllum inophyllumTakamaka (Takamaka)
23.Tectonia grandisTek (Teck)
24.Cocos nuciferaPye Koko
25.Deckenia NobilisPalmiste
26.Nephrosperma VanhoutteanumLatanier millepattes
27.Vercheffetia SplendidaLatanier Latte
28.Roscheria melanocheatesLatanier Hauban
29.Phoenicophorium borsigniamumLatanier Feuille
30.Lodoicea maldivicaCoco de mer
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
29 December 1917