Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act

Act 17 of 1940


Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act

Act 17 of 1940

  • Commenced on 18 December 1940
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]
[Act 17 of 1940; S.I. 95 of 1975; S.I. 72 of 1976]WHEREAS it is expedient that effect should be given in Seychelles to the provisions of certain Treaties of Commerce and Navigation mentioned in the schedule hereto—

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act.

2. Administration of Estates by Consular Officers

Whenever any subject or citizen of any State mentioned in the first column of the schedule hereto—
(a)dies within Seychelles; or
(b)dies outside Seychelles, leaving property within Seychelles;
and no person is present in Seychelles at the time of his death who is rightfully entitled to administer the estate such deceased person, the Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of such State within Seychelles may take possession and have the custody of the property od such deceased person, and may apply the same in payment of his debt and funeral expenses, and may retain the surplus for the benefit of the persons entitled thereto; but such Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent shall immediately apply for, and shall be entitled to obtain from the court, letters of administration of the property of such deceased person, limited in such manner and for such time as to the court shall seem fit.

3. Variation of Schedule

It shall be lawful for the President by notice published in the Gazette to vary the schedule—
(a)by deleting therefrom any State when the provision of the Treaty with that State mentioned in the schedule shall have ceased to have effect;
(b)by adding thereto any State with whom the Republic shall make a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation containing provision similar to any of the provisions mentioned in the schedule.


Name of StateTitle of TreatyDate of TreatyProvision
EstoniaTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Estonia18th January 1926Article 22
FinlandTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland14th December 1923Article 19 (third paragraph).
GreeceTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Greece16th July, 1962Article 23
HungaryTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Hungary23rd July 1926Article 14
JapanTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan3rd April, 1911Article 5
ThailandTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Thailand23rd November, 1937Article 19
TurkeyTreaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Turkey1st March, 1930Article 28
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
18 December 1940