Protection of Local Agricultural Produce Act

Act 11 of 1973


Protection of Local Agricultural Produce Act

Act 11 of 1973

  • Commenced on 2 April 1973
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]
[Act 11 of 1973; S.I. 104 of 1975; Act 23 of 1976]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Protection of Local Agricultural Produce Act.

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"agricultural produce" includes eggs, flowers, fruit, meat, poultry, vegetables and all processed products of agriculture;"prohibition order" means an order made by the Minister under the provisions of section 3;

3. Power of Minister to issue prohibition order

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act the Minister may, subject as hereinafter provided, prohibit by order in the Gazette the importation of specified agricultural produce into Seychelles for any particular period and under such conditions as he may impose.

4. Conditions subject to which prohibition order is to be issued

The Minister, in the exercise of the powers vested in him under the provisions of section 3, shall—
(a)give notice of the imposition of such prohibition in the Gazette at least fourteen days before such prohibition order is expressed to take effect;
(b)specify in the prohibition order the agricultural produce the importation of which is prohibited;
(c)specify in the prohibition order any agricultural produce the importation of which is prohibited except under licence issued by the Chief Agricultural Officer.

5. Where prohibition order not applicable

A prohibition order shall not apply to any consignment of agricultural produce in respect of which the importer satisfies the Minister by the production of documents or otherwise that the shipment thereof was prior to the date on which such prohibition was notified under section 4.

6. Penalties

Any contravention of the provisions of this Act shall be an offence and shall, on conviction, be punishable in the Magistrate's Court with a fine of Rs 1,000 or with imprisonment for one year or with both such fine and imprisonment and, in addition, the court may levy on the importer a penalty not exceeding the "cost, insurance and freight" value of the consignment.

7. Notification of revocation of prohibition order

The Minister shall give at least fourteen days' notice in the Gazette of his intention to revoke any prohibition order.
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
02 April 1973