Red Cross Society of Seychelles Act

Act 13 of 1991

Red Cross Society of Seychelles Act


Red Cross Society of Seychelles Act

Act 13 of 1991

  • Commenced on 19 December 1991
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Red Cross Society of Seychelles Act.

2. Interpretation

In this Act—"existing Society" means the Seychelles Red Cross Society which existed immediately prior to the commencement of this Act;"Society" means the Red Cross Society of Seychelles established by section 3.

3. Establishment of Society

(1)There is hereby established as a body corporate a voluntary relief organisation to be known as the Red Cross Society of Seychelles
(2)The Society shall be the sole Red Cross Society of Seychelles.

4. Objects

(1)The objects of the Society shall be—
(a)to contribute to the improvement of health and social welfare, the prevention of disease, the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of respect for human beings;
(b)to organise emergency relief services for victims of disasters;
(c)in the event of an armed conflict, to assist the sick, wounded, civilians, prisoners of war and other victims of such conflict;
(d)to disseminate and implement the ideals and fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as set out in the Preamble of the Statute of the Movement;
(2)In pursing its objects the Society shall, subject to any written law,
(a)maintain its autonomy;
(b)act in accordance with the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement;
(c)not discriminate on the ground of nationality, race, religious belief, class, political opinion or sex.

5. Membership and administration of Society

(1)Membership of the Society shall be open to individuals irrespective of their nationality, race, religious belief, class, political opinion or sex but shall otherwise be determined in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2)The Society shall be administered by its National Committee which shall be constituted in such manner and have such functions as may be prescribed.
(3)The persons who were—
(a)members of the existing Society;
(b)members of the National Committee of the existing Society,
immediately before the commencement of this Act shall be the first members of the Society and first members of the National Committee of the Society, as the case may be.

6. Use of Red Cross emblem

The Society shall be deemed to have the authority of the Minister under section 9(1) of the Geneva Conventions Act, use the Red Cross Emblem referred to in that section of that Act.

7. Rules

(1)The Society may make rules for prescribing any matter which is required to be prescribed under this Act, for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act and generally for the purposes of the Society.
(2)The rules or statutes of the existing Society shall be deemed to have been made by the Society under subsection (1).
(3)The Society may at any time in accordance with the rules made under subsection (1) amend any rules made by it.
(4)Notwithstanding section 64 of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, rules made under this section shall not be laid before the People's Assembly.
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
19 December 1991