Islamic Society of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act

Act 12 of 1994


Islamic Society of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act

Act 12 of 1994

  • Commenced on 18 October 1994
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Islamic Society of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act.

2. Interpretation

The Islamic Society of Seychelles, the administrative body of the Muslim community in Seychelles, is hereby constituted into a corporate body to be known as the "Islamic Society of Seychelles."

3. Objects

Sharing the ideals and assisting the efforts of fellow Muslims to establish, uphold and promote the spiritual, educational and humanitarian teachings of Muslim brotherhood, radiant faith, exalted character and selfless love revealed in the lives and utterances of all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the objects of the Islamic Society of Seychelles are as follows—
(a)to administer the affairs of the Islamic Faith according to Islamic values and principles, for the benefit of the Muslim community in Seychelles, by supervising and administering the affairs and activities of the Muslim community of Seychelles with the aim of assisting them to fulfil their religious rites, obligations and duties and by any other means appropriate to these ends, or any of them;
(b)to promote and oversee the furtherance of Islam within the Republic of Seychelles;
(c)to endeavour to implement the objectives laid down in the Holy Qur'an and Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

4. Management

(1)The Islamic Society of Seychelles shall be under the care and management of an Executive Committee of the Islamic Society of Seychelles, hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Committee."
(2)The Executive Committee shall be composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three other members, one of whom shall hold the office of Director of Islamic Centre.
(3)The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in accordance with the Constitution of the Islamic Society of Seychelles.
(4)Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for a period of one year or until their successors are elected and are eligible for re-election.
(5)Vacancies arising in the membership of the Executive Committee shall be filled by the members of the Islamic Society of Seychelles in accordance with the Constitution of the Society.
(6)The Executive Committee may co-opt other persons, one of whom shall be well versed in Islamic Theology, to act as Religious Adviser to the Executive Committee, to assist the Committee in the performance of its functions but the person shall not be entitled to vote on any matter that has to be decided by the Committee.
(7)The Executive Committee shall, within 7 days—
(a)after the coming into operation of this Act—
(i)in writing to the Minister; and
(ii)by a notice published in a local newspaper of wide circulation in Seychelles;
give notice of the names and addresses of each of the members of the Executive Committee; and
(b)after the occurrence of any change in the Executive Committee after the notice under paragraph (a)—
(i)in writing to the Minister; and
(ii)by a notice published in a local newspaper of wide circulation in Seychelles,
give notice of the change.

5. Power to sign document

All deeds, acts and documents concerning or requiring execution by the Islamic Society of Seychelles may be signed by any two of the following officers of the Executive Committee, the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

6. Legal capacity

(1)The Islamic Society of Seychelles shall have the same capacity to enter into contracts, incur liabilities and acquire, hold and dispose of property, movable and immovable, as an individual of full age who is not under any disability or interdicted and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.
(2)Service of process on the President of the Executive Committee, or, in case of death, absence or any other incapacity or vacancy in the office of the President, on the officer performing the function of the President shall constitute service on the Islamic Society of Seychelles.

7. Seal of Society

(1)The Islamic Society of Seychelles shall have a common seal circular in form bearing the following inscription: "Islamic Society of Seychelles."
(2)The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by authority of a resolution of the Executive Committee.

8. Vesting of property

There shall be vested in the Islamic Society of Seychelles constituted under section 2, on the coming into operation of this Act, all property, movable and immovable and any rights, liabilities, benefits and obligations vested in or enjoyed or incurred by the body known, prior to the coming into operation of this Act, as the Islamic Society of Seychelles.
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History of this document

30 June 2012 this version
18 October 1994