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Proceeds of Crime (Civil Confiscation) Act, 2008
Act 19 of 2008
- Commenced on 8 September 2008
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 15 March 2016 to 4 July 2017.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Proceeds of Crime (Civil Confiscation) Act, 2008.2. Interpretation
In this Act—"act" includes an omission;"applicant" means the FIU as established by the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"assets agent" means a person appointed as such under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"court" means the Supreme Court presided over by a Judge;"criminal conduct" shall have the meaning set out in the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"benefit from criminal conduct" means any property obtained or received at any time (whether before or after the passing of this Act) by, or as a result of, or in connection with the commission of criminal conduct;"dealing", in relation to property in the possession or control of a person, includes—(a)where a debt is owed to that person, making a payment to any person in reduction of the amount of the debt;(b)removing the property from the Republic; and(c)in the case of money or other property held for the person by another person, paying or releasing or transferring it to the person or to any other person;"disposal order" means an order made under *section 4;"Director" means the person appointed to the F.I.U as such pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"Deputy Director" means the person appointed to the F.I.U as such pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"F.I.U" means the Financial Intelligence and Assets Recovery Unit established under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006;"interest", in relation to property, includes a right;"interim order" means an order under *section 2;"interlocutory order" means an order under *section 3;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for internal affairs;"officer of Customs" includes a public officer who performs the functions of controlling imports or exports;"property" means money and all other property, real or personal, heritable or moveable, including choses in action and other intangible or incorporeal property and references to property shall be construed as including references to any interest in property, and includes property outside the Republic where by virtue of its domestic jurisdiction generally, in rem or in personam or by virtue of an arrangement with any other country or territory, the Court might be in a position to enforce, and/or secure compliance with any order it might make or otherwise exercise jurisdiction in relation to that property and to comply with an arrangement or a request from another country or territory;"Republic" means the Republic of Seychelles;"respondent" means a person in respect of whom an application for an interim order or an interlocutory order has been made or in respect of whom such an order has been made and includes any person who, but for this Act, would become entitled, on the death of the first-mentioned person, to any property to which such an order relates (being an order that is in force and is in respect of that person);"specified property" means property the subject of an application to Court or an order made by Court under this Act.3. Interim order
4. Interlocutory order
5. Disposal order
6. Ancillary orders and provisions in relation to certain profits or gains, etc.
7. Order in relation to property, the subject of interim order or interlocutory
8. Receiver
9. Provisions in relation to evidence and proceedings under this Act
10. Affidavit specifying property and income of respondent
At any time during proceedings under section 3 or 4 or while an interim order or an interlocutory order is in force, the Court may by order direct the respondent to swear and deliver to the applicant within such time as the Court may order an affidavit specifying either or both of the following—11. Registration of interim orders and interlocutory orders
12. Bankruptcy of respondent etc
13. Property subject to interim order, interlocutory order or disposal order dealt with by Official Assignee
14. Winding up of a company in possession or control of property the subject of interim order, interlocutory order or disposal order
15. Immunity from proceedings
No action or proceedings of any kind shall lie against a financial institution or other similar institution or any other person in any Court in respect of any act done or omission made in compliance with an order of the Court under this Act.16. Seizure of certain property
17. Compensation
18. Exclusion of limitation periods
For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that no period of limitation laid down by any written law shall apply in relation to proceedings under this Act.19. Consent orders
Where in relation to any property—20. Definition
For the avoidance of doubt, in addition to the ordinary meaning of that phrase, a person shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be "in possession or control of property" notwithstanding that it, or any part of it—21. Court procedure
A respondent who is served with an application for an interlocutory order or a disposal order shall not be entitled to further particulars, inspection, disclosure or discovery prior to filing and delivering an affidavit setting out the evidence intended to be adduced by him as contemplated in section 4(1)(b), which affidavit shall be filed within 21 days of the service of the application on him unless the Court shall have for good cause otherwise determined.22. Appeals
For the avoidance of doubt an appeal from an order made under this Act, other than an interim order shall lie to the Court of Appeal.23. Offence of unlawful communication
24. Rules of Court
The Chief Justice may make rules of Court, not inconsistent with this Act, to regulate the procedure before the Court in respect of any matter under this Act.History of this document
30 December 2022 amendment not yet applied
01 April 2021 amendment not yet applied
16 December 2020 amendment not yet applied
05 July 2017 amendment not yet applied
15 March 2016 this version
08 September 2008
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 5
Judgment 3
Law Report 2
Subsidiary legislation
Proceeds of Crime (Civil Confiscation) (Procedure) Rules, 2016 | Statutory Instrument 12 of 2016 | 15 March 2016 |