Supreme Court (Record of Evidence) Rules

Statutory Instrument 15 of 1963

Criminal Procedure Code

Supreme Court (Record of Evidence) Rules

Statutory Instrument 15 of 1963

  • Commenced on 6 May 1963
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 June 2020.]
[S.I. 15 of 1963; S.I. 27 of 1982]


These rules may be cited as the Supreme Court (Record of Evidence) Rules.


In all criminal cases coming before the Supreme Court the evidence of the witnesses shall be recorded in the following manner:—
(a)The evidence of each witness shall be taken down in writing in English by the Judge, or in his presence and hearing and under his personal direction and superintendence, and shall be signed by the Judge, and shall form part of the record.
(b)Such evidence shall not ordinarily be taken down in the form of question and answer, but in the form of a narrative:
Provided that the Judge may in his discretion take down or cause to be taken down any particular question and answer.
(c)Whenever the evidence of a witness is given in French or Creole the Judge may, if he is satisfied that he is sufficiently conversant with these languages, take down or cause to be taken down such evidence in English in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs without the use of a sworn interpreter.


Notwithstanding anything in Rule 2, the Judge in any criminal trial before the Supreme Court may direct that shorthand notes shall be taken of the evidence and proceedings by one or more stenographers, who may or may not be assisted by recording equipment, and the transcription of such shorthand notes, when certified by the Judge, shall be the official record of the evidence and proceedings at such trial.
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History of this document

01 June 2020 this version
06 May 1963