Police Force (Offences against Discipline) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 7 of 1966

Police Force (Offences against Discipline) Regulations

Police Force Act

Police Force (Offences against Discipline) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 7 of 1966

  • Commenced on 10 January 1959
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
[SI. 07 of 1966; SI. 87 of 1968; SI. 43 of 1974]

1. Citation

These regulations may be cited as the Police Force (Offences against Discipline) Regulations.

2. Offences against discipline

Any subordinate officer commits an offence against discipline if he is guilty of—
(a)discreditable conduct, that is to say, if he acts in a disorderly manner or any manner prejudicial to discipline or likely to bring discredit on the reputation of the Force, or to cause any injury to the public service in any way; or
(b)insubordinate or oppressive conduct, that is to say, if he—
(i)is insubordinate by word, act or demeanour; or
(ii)is guilty of oppressive or tyrannical conduct towards an officer of lower rank; or
(iii)uses obscene, abusive or insulting language to any police officer; or
(iv)wilfully or negligently makes any false complaint or statement against any police officer; or
(v)assaults any police officer; or
(c)disobedience of orders, that is to say, if he—
(i)removes or conceals or endeavours at any time to conceal or disguise his number; or
(ii)smokes on duty; or
(iii)engages without authority in any employment or office other than his official duties; or
(iv)keeps intoxicating liquor without the permission of the Commissioner of Police, or brews or makes preparations for the brewing of intoxicating liquor, in barracks; or
(v)is absent from barracks, except on duty, without permission; or
(vi)brings friends or relatives into barracks without permission; or
(vii)disobeys, or without good and sufficient cause omits or neglects to carry out any lawful order written or otherwise; or
(viii)if called upon by the Commissioner of Police to furnish a full and true statement of his financial position fails to do so; or
(d)neglect of duty, that is to say, if he—
(i)neglects, or without good and sufficient cause, omits, promptly and diligently, to attend to or carry out anything which is his duty as a police officer; or
(ii)is not alert or idles or misbehaves while on duty; or
(iii)fails to work his beat or to perform any other duty in accordance with orders, or leaves his beat, point or other place of duty to which he has been ordered without due permission or sufficient cause; or
(iv)by carelessness or neglect permits a prisoner or person in custody to escape; or
(v)fails, when knowing where any offender is to be found, to report the same or to make due exertions for making him amenable to justice; or
(vi)fails to report any matter which it is his duty to report; or
(vii)fails to report anything which he knows concerning a criminal or disciplinary charge or fails to disclose any evidence which he, or any person within his knowledge, can give for or against any prisoner or defendant or accused person on a criminal or a disciplinary charge; or
(viii)omits to make any necessary entry in any official book or document, or omits to make or send any report or return which it is his duty to make or send; or
(ix)sleeps on duty; or
(x)conceals any venereal or contagious disease or fails to report that he is suffering from the same or neglects to carry out any instructions of a Government medical officer, or while absent from duty on account of sickness, is guilty of any act or conduct calculated to retard his return to duty; or
(e)falsehood or prevarication, that is to say, if he—
(i)makes or signs, in any official document or book, any statement which he knows or has reasonable grounds to believe to be false; or
(ii)wilfully or negligently makes a false, misleading or inaccurate statement; or
(iii)without good and sufficient cause destroys or mutilates any official document or record or alters or erases any entry therein; or
(iv)is guilty of any prevarication before any court or at any inquiry; or
(f)breach of confidence, that is to say, if he—
(i)divulges any matter which it is his duty to keep secret; or
(ii)without due authority discloses or conveys any information concerning any investigation or other police or departmental matter to the press or to any unauthorised persons; or
(iii)without proper authority shows or conveys to any person outside the Force any book or document, the property of the Government; or
(iv)makes any anonymous, frivolous, or vexatious communication or complaint, or makes a communication or complaint in an irregular manner; or
(v)signs or circulates any petition or statement with regard to any matter concerning the Force, except through the proper channel of correspondence to the Commissioner of Police; or
(vi)calls or attends any unauthorised meeting to discuss any matter concerning the Force; or
(g)corrupt practice, that is to say, if he—
(i)solicits or receives any bribe; or
(ii)fails to account for or to make prompt and true return of any money or property received by him in his official capacity, or fails to account satisfactorily, if called upon by the Commissioner of Police to do so, for any money or property in his possession or received by him otherwise than in his official capacity; or
(iii)directly or indirectly solicits or receives any gratuity, present, subscription or testimonial, without the consent of the Commissioner of Police; or
(iv)places himself under a pecuniary obligation to the holder of any licence issued under the liquor licensing laws or to any person who holds a licence concerning the granting or renewal of which any police officer may have to report or give evidence; or
(v)improperly uses his character and position as a member of the Force for his private advantage; or
(vi)in his capacity as a police officer, writes, signs or gives without the sanction of the Commissioner of Police any testimonial or character or other recommendation with the object of obtaining employment for any person or of supporting any application for the grant of a licence of any kind; or
(vii)without the sanction of the Commissioner of Police supports an application for the grant of a licence of any kind; or
(h)unlawful or unnecessary exercise of authority, that is to say, if he—
(i)without good and sufficient cause makes any unlawful or unnecessary arrest; or
(ii)uses any unnecessary violence to any prisoner or any person with whom he may be brought into contact in the execution of his duty; or
(iii)is uncivil or uses improper language to any member of the public; or
(iv)interferes unnecessarily in any matter or with any person which or who is outside the scope of his authority; or
(i)malingering, that is to say, if he feigns or exaggerates any sickness or injury with a view to evading duty; or
(j)withdrawal from duty or absence without leave, that is to say, if he—
(i)resigns, or withdraws himself from his duties unless expressly permitted to do so by the Commissioner of Police or by some other officer authorised to grant such permission; or
(ii)without reasonable excuse is absent without leave from, or is late for parade, court, or any other duty; or
(k)uncleanliness, that is to say, if he, while in uniform is improperly dressed, or is dirty or untidy in his person, clothing, or accoutrement; or
(l)damage to clothing and other articles supplied, that is to say, if he—
(i)pawns, sells, loses by neglect, makes away with, or wilfully or negligently causes damage to, or the loss or waste of, any Government property including arms, ammunition, clothing or equipment or any lost, stolen or unclaimed property or any exhibit or any property belonging to any prisoner or person in custody; or
(ii)fails to report any loss or damage as above, howsoever caused; or
(iii)commits any petty offence of stealing or misappropriating any money or goods being the property of Government or of any police officer, or of receiving any such property knowing the same to have been stolen or misappropriated from the Government or from any police officer; or
(m)drunkenness, that is to say, if he, while on or off duty, is unfit for duty through drink or drugs; or
(n)drinking on duty or soliciting drinks, that is to say, if he—
(i)drinks or receives from any person any intoxicating liquor while he is on duty; or
(ii)demands or endeavours to persuade any other person to give him or to purchase or obtain for him any intoxicating liquor while he is on duty; or
(o)entering licensed premises, that is to say, if without permission he enters—
(i)while on duty any premises licensed under the liquor licensing laws or any other premises where liquors are stored or distributed when his presence there is not required in the execution of his duty; or
(ii)any such premises in uniform while off duty; or
(p)lending or borrowing money, that is to say, if he lends money to or borrows from any police officer, or accepts any present from any officer of lower rank; or
(q)contracting debts, that is to say, if he contracts any private debt of a discreditable nature, of which there is no likelihood of his being able to repay, or if, having contracted any debt, he makes no reasonable effort to pay the same; or
(r)cowardice, that is to say, if he is guilty of any act of cowardice; or
(s)irregular conduct, that is to say, if he acts in any irregular manner prejudicial to discipline not specially provided for in paragraph (a) of this regulation.
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History of this document

01 December 2014 this version
10 January 1959