Road Transport (Lighting of Standing Vehicles) (Exemption) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 41 of 1967

Road Transport Act

Road Transport (Lighting of Standing Vehicles) (Exemption) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 41 of 1967

  • Commenced on 10 July 1967
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 August 2016.]
[SI 41 of 1967; 61 of 1981]

1. Citation

These regulations may be cited as the Road Transport (Lighting of Standing Vehicles) (Exemption) Regulations.

2. Interpretation

(1)In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires—one way street” means a road in which the driving of vehicles otherwise than in one direction is prohibited at all times;the required lights”, in relation to a motor vehicle, means the lights showing to the front and the lights showing to the rear which, apart from these regulations, would be required to be shown by that vehicle by the Road Transport Regulations.
(2)For the purposes of these regulations the distance between any part of a motor vehicle and a street lamp shall be taken to be the distance between that part of the vehicle and the point on the ground vertically below the centre of the street lamp, measured by the shortest line lying wholly within the road.

3. Parking of motor vehicles without lights

(1)A motor vehicle shall when standing or parked at any place on the road, be exempted from showing the required lights if—
(a)in the case of a road not being a one way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is as close as may be and is parallel to the edge of the carriageway and in the case of a road being a one way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is as close as may be and is parallel to the left-hand edge of the carriageway or the right or off side of the vehicle is as close as may be and is parallel to the right-hand edge of the carriageway;
(b)no part of the vehicle is more than nine metres from a street lamp;
(c)the street lamp mentioned in subparagraph (b) is illuminated throughout the time during which the vehicle is standing or parked:Provided that for the purpose of this subparagraph if, while the vehicle is standing or parked, the light shown by the lamp becomes accidentally extinguished, no account shall be taken of any time during which the light is so extinguished;
(d)no part of the vehicle is within nine metres from the junction of any part of the carriageway of any road with the carriageway of the road on which the vehicle is standing or parked, whether that junction is on the same side of the road as that upon which the vehicle is standing or parked or not.
(2)A motor vehicle shall, when standing or parked on any part of a road specially set aside as a parking place or stand for motor vehicles, be exempted from showing the required lights.

4. Parking of motor vehicles with parking lights

A motor vehicle shall, when standing or parked at any place on a road, be exempted from showing the required lights if—
(a)the left or near side of the vehicle is as close as may be and is parallel to the edge of the carriageway;
(b)no part of the vehicles is within nine months from the junction of any part of the carriageway of any road with the carriageway of the road on which the vehicle is standing or parked, whether that junction is on the same side of the road as that on which the vehicle is standing or parked or not; and
(c)The vehicle shows to the front a white light and to the rear a red light in accordance with the provisions of regulations 5 and 6.

5. Manner of display of parking lights

The lights to be shown by a motor vehicle for the purpose of regulation 4 shall—
(a)in the case of a bicycle propelled by mechanical power whether having a side car attached thereto or not, be displayed by a parking lamp in accordance with regulation 6 of these regulations;
(b)in the case of a motor vehicle which, apart from these regulations, would be required by the Road Transport Regulations to carry two lamps each showing to the front a white light and two lamps each showing to the rear a red light, be displayed—
(i)by a parking lamp in accordance with regulation 6 of these regulations; or
(ii)by that one of those lamps showing to the front a white light and by that one of those lamps showing to that rear a red light which are on the off side of the vehicle.

6. Character and position of parking lamps

(1)Every parking lamp shall show a white light to the front and a red light to the rear.
(2)Every parking lamp shall, if circular, have an illuminated area to the front and an illuminated area to the rear of not less than 2.5 centimetres in diametre, or if not circular have an illuminated area to the front and an illuminated area to the rear of not less than an area of a circle of 2.5cm in diametre.
(3)Every parking lamp shall be so fixed to the vehicle that—
(a)it is on the off side of the vehicle;
(b)no part of the vehicle or its equipment (other than a driving mirror or direction indicator), when the vehicle is standing or parked, extends laterally on the off side more than 0.3 metres from the centre of either illuminated area of the lamp;
(c)no part of either illuminated area of the lamp is less than 0.4 metres nor more than 1.8 metres from the ground;
(d)the white light is clearly visible from the front to an observer at any point on an arc extending 90 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the vehicle to the off side thereof;
(e)the red light is clearly visible from the rear to an observer at any point on an arc extending 90 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the vehicle to the off side thereof.
(4)In sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) of subregulation (3), the expression “observer” means a person at a point nine metres distant from the lamp whose eye level is not less than 1.05 metres nor more than 2.75 metres above the plane on which the vehicle is standing or parked.

7. Scope of regulations

Nothing in these regulations shall be taken to authorise any person to cause or permit a vehicle which is exempted by these regulations from showing the required lights to stand or be parked on a road in any place or for any period in or for which it would be unlawful for the vehicle to stand or be parked.
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History of this document

01 August 2016 this version
10 July 1967