Customs Management (Charges for Customs Services) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 64 of 1975

Customs Management Act, 2011

Customs Management (Charges for Customs Services) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 64 of 1975

  • Commenced on 4 August 1975
  • [This is the version of this document at 8 November 2017.]
[SI 64 of 1975; 128 of 1978; 73 of 1984][These regulations were made under section 189 of the Customs Management Decree 1980 and continued under section 272(1) of the Customs Management Act, 2011 (Act 22 of 2011).][Note: The administering authorities in Seychelles take the view that this SI is no longer in force. Caution is advised accordingly.]

1. Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Customs Management (Charges for Customs Services) Regulations.

2. Charges for Customs Services

The charges specified in the Schedule hereto shall be payable in respect of the Customs Services, therein specified.

Schedule (Regulation 2)

1. Attendance by a Customs Officer at any approved warehouse at the request of the owner or occupier thereof—
(a) for each half hour or part thereof during ordinary working hoursRs.15
(b) for each half hour or part thereof outside ordinary working hoursRs.20
2. Attendance by a Customs Officer at Mahe Quay at the request of any importer for certification of breakages or shortages of goods—
(a) for each half hour or part thereofRs.25
(b) for each certificate issuedRs.50
(c) for each EUR one certificate or document signed by the Collector apart from clearance certificateRs.50
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History of this document

08 November 2017 this version
04 August 1975