Amplification of Sound and Playing of Music (Control) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 81 of 1976

Penal Code

Amplification of Sound and Playing of Music (Control) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 81 of 1976

  • Commenced on 30 August 1976
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 June 2020.]
[S.I. 81/1976; S.I. 6 of 2001]


These regulations may be cited as the Amplification of Sound and Playing of Music (Control) Regulations.


In these regulations words and expressions used shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings assigned to them in the Penal Code.


No person shall in any ballroom, dance-hall, “discotheque”, business premises, restaurant, house, shop or other place whatsoever operate, cause, play or suffer to be operated, caused or played any radio, wireless gramophone, record-player, loudspeaker or other instrument or instruments, whether of the same nature of otherwise, made or adapted for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound or music, in such a manner as to cause annoyance or disturbance to any person, or causes any annoyance or disturbance thereby, whether in or outside such place:Provided that the Commissioner of Police may, on the application in writing made by any person, and for good and sufficient reason, grant an exemption from the provisions of these Regulations for any specified period of time, in consultation with the Ministry responsible for Environment.


Any application for exemption from the provisions of regulation 3 shall be made to the Commissioner of Police and shall contain such information as the Commissioner of police may require to satisfy himself as to the nature of the application and any exemption granted by the Commissioner shall be subject to such conditions as he may lay down including a requirement to take specific measures for the protection of persons likely to be exposed to excessive noise.


The Commissioner of Police or any police officer may enter upon any premises or place mentioned in regulation 3 and may require that any noise, music or sound be abated or lowered in volume and if such request is not complied with may arrest or cause to be arrested any person whom he reasonably believes to be responsible for such noise, music or sound and may seize any radio, wireless, gramophone, record-player, loudspeaker or other instrument or instruments which he reasonably believes to be the cause of such noise, music or sound.


Any person who gives false information to the Commissioner of Police or any police officer or who fails to comply with or is in breach of any of these regulations or any condition laid down in regulation 4 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on conviction, to imprisonment for one year and to a fine of Rs.500, and, in addition the Court may order the confiscation of any radio, wireless, gramophone, record-player, loudspeaker or other instrument or instruments which may have been used in the commission of the offence.
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History of this document

01 June 2020 this version
30 August 1976