Matrimonial Causes Act
Matrimonial Causes Rules
Statutory Instrument 19 of 1993
- Commenced on 22 March 1993
- [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Matrimonial Causes Rules.2. Interpretation
In these rules—“a poor person” means a person who has been admitted to take or defend or be party to any proceedings under the Act as a poor person under any enactment for the time being in force;“defended cause” means a matrimonial cause not being an undefended cause;“filed” means filed in the Registry of the Supreme Court;“judge” means a judge of the Supreme Court and includes the Chief Justice and a Puisne Judge;“minor” means an unemancipated minor;“office copy” means a copy examined against the original in the Registry and sealed with the seal of the Registry;“registrar” means the Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court;“undefended cause” means a matrimonial cause in which no answer has been filed or in which all the answers filed have been struck out.3. Commencement of matrimonial proceedings. Form of petition
4. Claim for ancillary relief not included in the petition
5. Provisional orders for protection of property of spouses
6. Provisional orders relating to relevant children
7. Service of petition etc.
8. Notice to appear
9. Service out of jurisdiction
A petition, summons, notice or holder document in a matrimonial cause or matter may be served out of the jurisdiction with leave.10. Proof of service necessary
Unless otherwise directed a petition shall not proceed to trial or hearing unless the respondent—11. Service or delivery where no other mode is prescribed
12. Entry of appearance
All appearance shall be in the manner provided in section 70 of the Seychelles Code of Civil Procedure.13. Appearance under protest
14. Supplemental or amended petitions
15. Interveners
16. Answer
The court shall, on the day fixed for appearance, if the respondent has appeared, proceed to fix a date for the party who has appeared to file an answer to the petition.17. Consent to the grant of an order of divorce
Where before the hearing of a petition alleging one year separation coupled with respondent’s consent to an order of divorce being granted, the respondent wishes to indicate to the court that he consents to the grant of the order, he shall do so by giving the Registrar a notice to that effect signed by the respondent personally in accordance with Form 7.18. Particulars of answer
Every answer which contains matter other than a simple denial of the facts stated in the petition shall set out with sufficient particularity the facts relied upon but not the evidence by which they are to proved, and if the answer if filed by a person who is husband or wife of the petitioner, shall contain at the foot or end the affidavit supporting it in accordance with rule 3(9).19. Amendment of notice, pleading etc,
Subject to the aforesaid rules, any notice, pleading or other document may be amended by leave subject to any directions as to re-service and as to consequential amendment of pleadings already filed.20. Pleadings out of time
No pleading shall be filed out of time without leave. Applications for leave shall be made by motion supported by affidavit.21. Further particulars
22. Delivery of answer
A copy of every answer (other than an answer which is required to be served in the same manner as a petition) shall, within twenty-four hours after it is filed, be delivered to the opposite parties or their attorneys.23. Medical examination
24. Examination of petitioner and evidence
The court may order the attendance of the petitioner and may examine him or her, or permit him or her to be examined on oath or on his or her personal answer on the hearing of any petition.25. Evidence
26. Setting down for trial
27. Right of respondent to be heard on question of costs, custody and access
After having appeared, a respondent may, without filing an answer, be heard in respect of any question as to costs and a respondent spouse may, without filing an answer, be heard as to any question of custody of or access to any relevant child.28. Copy of record to be sent to Attorney-General; Form of order
29. Interventions by Attorney-General
When the Attorney General desires to show cause against making absolute a conditional order, he shall give notice to the Registrar and to the party in the cause in whose favour the conditional order has been granted that he intends to show cause and shall within fourteen days thereafter file his plea setting forth the grounds upon which he desires to show cause, and a copy thereof shall be served on the person in whose favour such order has been pronounced or on his attorney.30. Interventions by persons other than Attorney-General
31. Order absolute
32. Maintenance pending suit
A petitioner wife or a respondent wife who has not included in her petition or answer, as the case may be, a prayer for maintenance pending suit at any time after filing the petition or before or after filing answer, as the case may be, and a respondent husband against whom a petition for divorce, judicial separation or nullity of marriage is presented and who is alleged to be suffering from a mental disorder or of unsound mind, may, in accordance with rule 48, make an application for maintenance pending suit at any time after appearing to a petition.33. Maintenance of children
An application for maintenance of a relevant child in accordance with rule 4(1) (d) and (e) may be made—34. Payment for spouse and relief in respect of property
35. Variation of orders for ancillary relief
A petitioner, or a respondent after appearance to the petition, may at any time apply for an order to discharge, modify or temporary suspend an order made in respect of any ancillary relief.36. Evidence on applications for maintenance etc.
37. Evidence in support of application for variation of property orders
38. Further evidence in support of applications for maintenance, etc.
If an affidavit is filed by a husband in pursuance of rule 36, the wife may, within fourteen days after delivery of the husband’s affidavit to her or her attorney, file an affidavit in reply thereto, but no further affidavit shall be filed by any party without leave.39. Evidence on application for variation of orders for alimony, etc.
40. Date of hearing and notice to other parties in application for ancillary relief
On an application for maintenance pending suit or for other ancillary relief whether contained in the petition or otherwise, the judge shall fix a date for the hearing of the application, and notice thereof shall be given by the applicant to every other party to the application who has appeared and at the hearing the judge shall in the presence of the parties, or their attorneys, investigate the allegations made in support of and in answer to the application and may order the attendance of the spouses and any other person for the purpose of being examined or cross-examined, or may take the oral evidence of witnesses, and at any stage of the proceedings may order the production of any document or call for further affidavits.41. Custody of and access to children
42. Information as to other proceedings relating to children
On any application under these rules relating to any relevant child, if there are any other proceedings relating to any such child in progress in the Supreme Court, there shall be filed a statement as to the nature of such proceedings.43. Summons
The name of the cause or matter and of the person taking out a summons shall be endorsed thereon, and a copy of the summons shall be served on the party to whom the summons is addressed or on his attorney two clear days at least before the summons is returnable unless these rules otherwise provide.44. Hearing of application
On the day and at the hour named, the party taking out the summons shall attend at the place appointed for hearing. If any party to the summons does not appear at the time appointed in the summons, the judge may proceed in his absence upon being satisfied by affidavit of service or otherwise that the party not in attendance had due notice of the time appointed.45. Attachment and committal
46. Enforcement of orders
47. Motions
48. Minors and persons of unsound mind
49. Taxation of costs
All bills or costs shall be referred to the Registrar for taxation in the manner provided by the Court Fees and Costs (Supreme Court) Act.50. Certificate of taxation
Upon the Registrar’s certificate as to costs being signed, an order for payment of the amount may issue de plano.51. Costs in conditional orders
An order for payment of costs contained in a conditional order, if drawn up before the conditional order is made absolute, shall direct payment into court, and such costs shall not be paid out of court to the party entitled to receive them under the conditional order until that order has been made absolute, but a wife who is unsuccessful in a cause and who at the hearing of the cause has obtained an order of the judge for costs, may nevertheless proceed at once to obtain payment of such costs after allowance thereof on taxation.52. Wife’s costs
53. Form of bond and proceedings under bond
54. Payment of money out of Court
Persons entitled to payment of money out of court on applying for the same, shall lodge in the Registry an application in writing, setting forth the date on which the money applied for was paid into court, the amount applied for, and the name and address of the person to receive the same.55. Record of proceedings
56. Security for costs of preparation of appeal
When in any cause to which these rules relate notice of appeal has been given by any party who may be entitled to appeal, a wife who is appellant or respondent to the appeal may apply to a judge in chambers for her costs and expenses of and incidental to the preparation of the appeal and retaining of attorney and counsel before the Appellate Court, and the judge, after ascertaining what is a sufficient sum of money to cover such costs and expenses, may, unless the husband proves that the wife has sufficient separate estate or shows other good causes order the husband to pay such sum either to the wife or into court or to give security with sureties within such time as he may fix, in addition to the security for the costs before the Appellate Court. The provisions of rule 53 shall apply in connection with these costs.57. Application of Rules of the Supreme Court
Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these rules and of any other enactment, the Seychelles Code of Civil Procedure, shall apply mutatis mutandis, to the practice and procedure in any matrimonial cause or matter to which the Act relates, and when the Seychelles Code of Civil Procedure is silent the practice and procedure of the High Court in England shall be followed as near as may be.58. Transitional provisions
All petitions and matrimonial causes pending before the Supreme Court before the coming into operation of these rules and all incidental proceedings thereto shall be continued, conducted, heard, tried and determined as if they had been entered under these rules.59. Forms
The Forms set out in the schedule shall be used in all proceedings in matrimonial causes and where no Form is given, the Forms used in the High Court in England shall, with proper modifications, be followed in the Supreme Court.History of this document
01 December 2014 this version
22 March 1993