Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 51 of 1994

Legal Practitioners Act

Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Regulations

Statutory Instrument 51 of 1994

  • Commenced on 8 August 1994
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
[SI. 51 of 1994; SI. 2 of 1995]


These Regulations may be cited as the Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Regulations.


The President, after consultation with the Chief Justice and the Bar Association of Seychelles hereby—
(a)designates the countries, jurisdictions and institutions;
(b)prescribes the level of the degree in law; and
(c)prescribes the professional examination, specified in the Schedule for the purposes of section 5 of the Act in relation to the qualification for the admission of a person as an attorney.
[Note: The President is the Minister responsible for the administration of the Legal Practitioners Act.]


A person shall not be admitted as an attorney-at-law unless the person has—
(a)paid at the Registry of the Supreme Court a fee of R1000; and
(b)given security to the satisfaction of the Chief Justice for the amount of R50,000 in the form of—
(i)a bond of 2 persons acceptable to the Chief Justice;
(ii)a guarantee from a financial institution or insurance company which is licensed to carry on business in Seychelles; or
(iii)a first-line mortgage or charge on immovable property.


Part I – Designated countries or jurisdictions for the purposes of section 5(1)(a)(i)(iii)

A Commonwealth country or a jurisdiction within a Commonwealth country.

Part II – Prescribed level of Law Degree for the purposes of section (1)(a)(iv)

At least a Third Class Degree with honours

Part III – Designated institutions for the purposes of section 5(1)(a)(iv)

1.University of Mauritius
2.A University or Polytechnic of the United Kingdom whose law degree is acceptable to the Council of Legal Education of England or the Law Society of England.
3.A "Université d’État" of France.

Part IV – Prescribed professional examination

1.Professional examination set by the Examination Board established under section 20 of the Act.
2.Professional examination set by the Council of Legal Education of Mauritius.
3.Professional examination set by the Council of Legal Education of England.
4.Professional examination set by the Law Society of England.
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History of this document

01 December 2014 this version
08 August 1994