Elections Regulations

Statutory Instrument 20 of 2006

Elections Act

Elections Regulations

Statutory Instrument 20 of 2006

  • Commenced on 4 July 2006
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
[S.I 20 of 2006; S.I 24 of 2006]


These Regulations may be cited as the Elections Regulations.


(1)No person shall use a Government vehicle to transport voters to polling stations.
(2)A person going to a polling station by a Government vehicle to perform official functions or a person having the use of a Government vehicle using it strictly for that person or a member of the person’s family to go to the polling station shall be deemed not to be a breach of subregulation (1)
(3)For the purpose of this regulation, a “Government vehicle” means a motor vehicle of a Ministry or Department of Government or of the Defence Forces or the Police Force.


No person other than a candidate shall, on a polling day and within a distance of 200 metres of a polling station, wear or display on any property any cloth, banner, insignia, logo, bill or board calculated to show support for a candidate or a political party:Provided that the wearing of clothing of any colour other than the colour of any political party or candidate shall not by itself be a breach of these regulations.


(1)Display of any notice, advertisement or announcement by a candidate or a political party in connection with an election shall be effected by affixing it on a bulletin board or a hoarding.
(2)For the purpose of subregulation (1), bulletin boards and hoardings shall be erected at places approved by the Electoral Commission in consultation with the Land Transport Division, Police (Traffic Section) and the Planning Authority.
(3)The size of a bulletin board or hoarding on any public land shall be 4ft x 8ft.
(4)Poster in A2 format affixed on plywood or other sheets of the same size may be placed on electricity poles at the rate of one poster per pole per candidate.
(5)Boards shall be erected after nomination and notice etc. displayer thereon shall be removed within 14v days after the polling day by the person who caused them to be displayed.


Any person who intends to display a cloth banner connection with an election shall obtain the prior permission of the Land Transport Division and the Police (Traffic Section) Police (Traffic Section) and remove any such banner within 14 days after the polling date.


(1)No person shall
(a)Paste or affix a poster or other paper; or
(b)Use paint (liquid or spray) to mark or paint anything
On a road, pavement, telephone or electricity post, wall or fence whether on public or private property in connection with election.


A person who knowingly acts in breach of any of these regulations commits an offence and shall, on conviction be liable to a fine of R20, 000 or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years.
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History of this document

01 December 2014 this version
04 July 2006