Business Tax (Withholding Tax Certificate) Regulations, 2012

Statutory Instrument 25 of 2012

Business Tax Act, 2009

Business Tax (Withholding Tax Certificate) Regulations, 2012

Statutory Instrument 25 of 2012

  • Published on 7 May 2012
  • Assented to on 3 May 2012
  • Commenced on 7 May 2012
  • [This is the version of this document from 7 May 2012 and includes any amendments published up to 30 June 2014.]

1. Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Business Tax (Withholding Tax Certificate) Regulations, 2011**[The reference to 2011 appears to be a typographical error in the short title as these Regulations were gazetted as SI 25 of 2012.]

2. Withholding tax certificate

The Withholding Tax Certificate shall be in the following prescribed manner—Withholding Tax Certificate (BT006):
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History of this document

08 November 2017
07 May 2012 this version
03 May 2012
Assented to