Related documents
- Is amended by Supreme Court (Mediation) (Amendment) Rules, 2014
Courts Act
Supreme Court (Mediation) Rules, 2013
Statutory Instrument 72 of 2013
- Commenced on 28 October 2013
- [This is the version of this document at 1 December 2014.]
- [Amended by Supreme Court (Mediation) (Amendment) Rules, 2014 (Statutory Instrument 47 of 2014) on 14 July 2014]
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Supreme Court (Mediation) Rules, 2013.2. Interpretation
In these Rules—"attorney" means an attorney-at-law as defined under the Legal Practitioners Act;"mediator" means the person nominated as mediator under rule 4(3);"proceeding" means any civil suit, action, cause or matter filed and pending in the Supreme Court except as regards rights and obligations which are not at the parties' disposal;3. Application
These Rules shall apply to all proceedings referred to mediation under rule 4.4. Reference to mediation
4A. Fee to be charged by mediator
4B. Panel of authorised persons
5. Purpose of mediation
6. Role and responsibilities of mediator
7. Notice of mediation
8. Mediation sessions
9. Duty to provide information
10. Confidentiality
11. Duty of non-disclosure
12. Non-admissibility of evidence
13. Settlement proposals
14. Memoranda of settlement and issues
15. Duration of mediation
16. Referral back to trial Judge
17. End of mediation
18. Supervision of mediation
19. Proceedings against mediator
History of this document
01 December 2014 this version
14 July 2014
28 October 2013