Exparte : Rosie Delorie & Ors (XP180/2016) [2018] SCSC 8328 (27 November 2018)

Exparte : Rosie Delorie & Ors (XP180/2016) [2018] SCSC 8328 (27 November 2018)


Civil Side: XP 180/2016

[2018] SCSC 1078


Heard: 28th November 2018

Counsel: Ms Vanessa Gill for

Delivered: 28th November 2018

[1] It has been shown to me by way of receipts that the adjudicate has paid the stamp duty and registration fees in respect of Title S2116 together with the payments for the adjudicated property as awarded by the Court on 4 September 2018 and with the costs of the sale in compliance with section 161 of the Immovable Property (Judicial Sales) Act.

[2] In the circumstances, all formalities having been complied with, I direct the Registrar of the Supreme Court to distribute the amount deposited with the Court, after the sum of SR297,275 being court costs have been deducted, namely SR5, 647,725,000 as follows:

a. 27/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR4, 235,793.75) to Rosie Delorie

b. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Jude Delorie

c. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Franky Delorie

d. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Beryl Delorie

e. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Jeffrey Delorie

f. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Henry Delorie

g. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Victor Delorie

h. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Dorothy Thomas

i. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Derby Andre

j. 1/36 of SR5, 647,725,000 (SR156, 881.25) to Hycinta Joseph

[3] I further direct and order the Registrar of Lands to register Title S2116 jointly in the names of Selvakumar Pillay and Gandimadi Selvakumar after payment of all associated registration fees and stamp duty.

Signed, dated and delivered at Ile du Port on 28th November 2018


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