This is the version of this Act as it was from 6 March 2020 to 27 August 2020. Read the latest available version.
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act, 2020
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Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act, 2020
Act 5 of 2020
- Published in Supplement to Official Gazette on 6 March 2020
- Assented to on 6 March 2020
- There are multiple commencements
- [This is the version of this document as it was from 6 March 2020 to 27 August 2020.]
Provisions | Status |
Part I (section 1–2); Part II (section 3–5); Part III (section 6–9); Part IV (section 10–26); Part V (section 27–29); Part VI, section 30–33, section 35–54; Part VII (section 55–62); Part VIII (section 63–67); Part IX (section 68–77); Part X (section 78–92); Part XI (section 93–94); Part XII (section 95–100) | commenced on 28 August 2020 by Statutory Instrument 106 of 2020. |
Part VI, section 34 |
commenced on 1 January 2021
by Statutory Instrument 106 of 2020.
Note: See SI 138 of 2020. |
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act, 2020 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of the Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"account" means any facility or arrangement by which a financial institution or a designated non-financial business or profession does any of the following—(a)accepts deposits or funds;(b)allows withdrawal or transfer of funds;(c)pays negotiable or transferable instruments or other instruments;(d)orders or collects negotiable or transferable instruments or payment orders on behalf of any other person; or(e)makes any facility or arrangement for a safety deposit box or for any other form of safe deposit;"affected gift" means a gift given at any time to a third party in the form of movable property or immovable property, immovable property acquired from the proceeds of movable or immovable property gifted to such third party or from the proceeds arising in connection with an offence committed by the person who gifted the movable or immovable property in the name of a third party or in the name of some other person;"authorised officer" means—(a)a law enforcement officer of the Seychelles Police Force;(b)an officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles; and(c)an officer of the Seychelles Revenue Commission;"beneficiary" includes a natural person or a legal entity or arrangement, who receives money or benefits from a benefactor;"beneficial owner" means a natural person or persons who ultimately owns or controls a customer or the natural person on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted and includes those persons who exercise ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement;"benefit from criminal conduct" means money or property derived, obtained or realized, directly or indirectly, by any person from criminal conduct;"business relationship" means the arrangement between a person and a reporting entity whose primary purpose is to facilitate an occasional or regular course of business dealings between them;"cash" includes notes and coins of Seychelles or of any other country which is a legal tender and accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of its issue, postal orders, bearer cheques which passes title thereto upon delivery including travelers’ cheques, bank drafts and bearer bonds;"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Police;"Commissioner General" means the Commissioner General appointed under section 4 of the Seychelles Revenue Commission Act (Cap. 322);"Committee" means the National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee established under subsection (1) of section 6;"country" includes any state or territorial unit as the context may require;"court" means the Supreme Court of Seychelles;"Court of Appeal" means the Court of Appeal of Seychelles;"customer" in relation to a transaction or an account, includes—(a)the person in whose name a transaction or account is arranged, opened or undertaken;(b)a signatory to a transaction or account;(c)any person to whom a transaction has been assigned or transferred;(d)any person who is authorised to conduct a transaction; or(e)such other person as may be prescribed by regulations;"data" means the representation in any form of information or concepts;"designated non-financial businesses or professions" means the businesses and professions included in Part C of the First Schedule;"Deputy Director" means the deputy director appointed under section 15;"digital currency or crypto currency" means currency that is exclusively stored and transferred electronically, and whose value is determined by the market in which it is traded;"Director" means the director appointed under section 14;"exported" in relation to cash, includes cash being brought to any place in the Republic for the purpose of being exported and the terms "export" and "exporting" shall be construed accordingly;"false declaration" means the misrepresentation of the value of cash being transported, or misrepresentation of other relevant data which is required to be submitted in the declaration or otherwise requested by the authorities and includes the failure to make a declaration as required;"financial institution" means any institution that conducts a business in one or more of the following activities or operations for or on behalf of a customer—(a)acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the public, including private banking;(b)lending, including but not limited to, consumer credit, mortgage credit, factoring, with or without recourse, and financing of commercial transactions, including forfeiting;(c)financial leasing other than with respect to arrangements relating to consumer products;(d)money or value transfer services;(e)issuing and managing means of payment, including, but not limited to, credit and debit cards, cheques, travellers’ cheques, money orders, banker’s drafts and electronic money;(f)issuing financial guarantees and commitments;(g)trading in—(i)money market instruments, including, but not limited to, cheques, bills, certificates of deposit and derivatives;(ii)foreign exchange;(iii)exchange, interest rate and index instruments;(iv)transferable securities; and(v)commodity futures trading;(h)participating in securities issues and the provision of financial services related to such issues;(i)individual and collective portfolio management;(j)safekeeping and administration of cash or liquid securities on behalf of other persons;(k)investing, administering or managing funds or money on behalf of other persons;(l)underwriting and placement of life insurance and other investment-related insurance, including insurance intermediation by agents and brokers;(m)money changing; and(n)carrying on such other activity, business or operation, as may be prescribed by regulations;"FIU" means the Financial Intelligence Unit established under section 10;"funds" means assets of any kind, whether corporeal or incorporeal, tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, however acquired, and legal documents or instruments in any form, including electronic or digital, evidencing title to, or interest in, such assets;"law enforcement agency" means the Financial Crime Investigation Unit or any other Unit as may be designated by the Commissioner of Police within the Seychelles Police Force; the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles; the Department of Immigration; the Seychelles Revenue Commission or any other Agency as may be specified by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette to carry out criminal investigation in Seychelles, and the terms "law enforcement officer" or "law enforcement authority" refers to a duly authorised officer of the law enforcement agency;"legal arrangement" means a partnership of persons, a trust or similar arrangement or any person holding assets in a fiduciary capacity and any other similar entity or arrangement;"legal person" means any entity other than a natural person that can establish a customer relationship with a financial institution or otherwise own property and the term legal entity shall be construed accordingly;"legal privilege" means the confidentiality accorded to any communication between a lawyer and a client for the purposes of obtaining or providing legal advice or legal representation in respect of any criminal matter but does not extend to any conduct of the lawyer or material in the possession or control of the lawyer for the purposes of aiding and abetting, assisting, attempting, counseling, conspiring, concealing or procuring the commission of criminal conduct by the client or any other person;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Finance and the term "Ministry" shall be construed accordingly;"monetary instruments" includes—(a)notes and coins of Seychelles or of any other country which is a legal tender and accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of its issue;(b)travellers’ cheques, personal cheques, bank cheques, money orders or securities;(c)any currency that is stored or transferred electronically, which is commonly referred to as digital currency or crypto currency;(d)any other negotiable instrument through which title passes upon delivery;"Non-Profit Organisation (NPO)" refers to a legal person or arrangement or organisation that primarily engages in raising or disbursing funds for the purposes of charitable, religious, cultural, educational, social or fraternal purposes, or for carrying out any other good works;"offence" means violation of any law in Seychelles, or violation of any law in a foreign state, which, if it occurred in Seychelles, would constitute an offence in Seychelles;"pecuniary penalty order" means an order passed under Part X of this Act;"person" means any natural or legal person, and includes a body of persons whether it has legal personality or not;"proceedings" includes the hearing before any court, tribunal, commission or any committee appointed by the Government;"proceeds of crime" means any property or economic advantage or income, capital or other economic gain or benefit or part thereof derived or realized directly or indirectly from, or as a result of—(a)the commission of an offence in Seychelles;(b)any act committed outside Seychelles, which, if it had been committed in Seychelles, would constitute an offence;and includes property that has been converted or transformed, in full or in part, into other property;"production order" means an order issued under section 66;"property" includes money and all property, real or personal, heritable or moveable, including tangible or intangible or incorporeal property or a virtual asset and any reference to the property shall be construed as including reference to any interest in property, and includes property outside the Republic where by virtue of its domestic jurisdiction generally, in rem or in personam or by virtue of an arrangement with any other country or territory, the Court might be in a position to enforce or secure compliance with any order it might make or where it might otherwise exercise jurisdiction in relation to that property to comply with an arrangement or a request from another country or territory;"realizable property" means property liable to be taken into possession and disposed of under this Act and includes property in the custody or possession of a person other than the beneficial owner;"regulated business" means a business for which a license is required under the corresponding Act;"regulations" means the regulations made under this Act;"reporting entity" means an entity or person specified in the First Schedule;"Republic" means the Republic of Seychelles;"restraint order" means an order referred to in section 69;"revenue" means taxes, duties, contributions, fees, levies, charges, penalties, fines and other monies collected under the Acts specified in the Schedule to the Seychelles Revenue Commission Act (Cap 322);"revenue laws" means any law or regulation relating to any tax, including the revenue laws as specified in the Schedule to the Seychelles Revenue Commission Act (Cap 322);"Selection Committee" means the Selection Committee appointed by the President under section 14(5);"Seychelles Revenue Commission" means the Seychelles Revenue Commission established under section 3 of the Seychelles Revenue Commission Act (Cap 322);"supervisory authority" means the supervisory authorities specified in the Second Schedule;"Suspicious Transaction Report" means a report on an activity or a transaction or series of transactions made, to be made or attempted to be made, by a reporting entity under section 48;"terrorist financing activities" means the provisioning of material support in the form of funds to terrorist acts, terrorists and terrorist organisations and covered under section 5 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (Cap 179), and the expression financing of terrorist activities shall be construed accordingly;"tax" means any tax, duty, levy or charge under the care and management of the Seychelles Revenue Commission including but not limited to business tax, contributions to the Social Security Fund, stamp duty and any other levy by way of taxation;"virtual asset" means a digital representation of value that can be digitally traded or transferred and can be used for payment or investment purposes and does not include digital representation of fiat currencies, securities and other financial assets.Part II – Offence of money laundering and related offences
3. Offence of money laundering
4. Acquisition, use or possession of proceeds of crime
5. Currency transaction and wire transfer threshold reporting
Part III – National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee
6. National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee
7. Functions of Committee
8. Functions of Secretariat
The Secretariat of the Committee shall—9. Meetings and procedures of Committee
Part IV – Financial Intelligence Unit
10. Establishment of Financial Intelligence Unit
11. Governance of FIU
12. Objectives of FIU
13. Powers and functions of FIU
The FIU shall have the powers necessary for effective performance of its functions under this Act, and in particular the FIU may—14. Appointment of Director
15. Appointment of Deputy Director
16. Responsibilities of Director
17. Delegation of powers by Director
18. When Deputy Director may act
The Deputy Director may on behalf of the Director exercise all the powers vested under this Act and perform all the functions conferred on the Director under this Act, whenever the Director is temporarily absent from office.19. Appointment of staff
The Director may appoint such officers and staff of the FIU, as may be necessary for the proper discharge of its functions under this Act, on such terms and conditions of service as may be prescribed.20. Oath of confidentiality
The Director, the Deputy Director, officers and the staff of the FIU shall—21. Constitution of funds
The funds of the FIU shall consist of—22. Annual estimates
23. Financial year, accounts and audit
24. Annual report
The FIU shall, as soon as possible after the expiration of each financial year and in any event not later than the 31st day of March in any year, submit to the Minister for approval, an annual report, dealing generally with the administration and its activities during the preceding financial year and the Minister shall cause the report to be laid before the National Assembly.25. Removal of Director or Deputy Director from office
26. Resignation of Director or Deputy Director
Part V – Functions of FIU
27. Functions and duties of FIU
28. Access to information and analysis function
29. Cooperation with foreign counterpart agencies
Part VI – Preventive measures
30. Result of the national risk assessment
The national risk assessment of the country under clause (j) of subsection (1) of section 7 shall be carried out in such time and interval as may be prescribed and shall disseminate the results of risk assessment to all the stakeholders.31. Obligation to register with FIU
32. Obligation to identify and assess money laundering and terrorist financing risks
33. Obligations to establish and maintain internal control systems and procedures
34. Obligation to appoint compliance officer
35. Obligation to apply customer due diligence measures
36. Politically exposed persons
37. Correspondent banking relationship
A licensed bank shall not enter into a correspondent banking relationship with a bank or other credit institution situated outside Seychelles unless the licensed bank—38. Shell banks
39. Timing of customer due diligence
40. Simplified customer due diligence
41. Enhanced due diligence
42. Reliance on regulated persons
43. Obligation to cease transaction
44. Obligation to maintain accounts in true name
45. Obligation to record and retain identification details in wire transfers
46. Obligation to monitor customer activities and transactions
47. Obligation to maintain records
48. Obligation to report suspicious activities
49. Application of customer due diligence measures
50. Tipping off
51. Misrepresentation
A person who knowingly makes a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation, or makes, or provides, any false document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, to a reporting entity, or to a supervisory authority or to the FIU, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine up to SCR200,000 or to imprisonment up to six months or to both.52. Malicious reporting
Any person who willfully gives any information to the FIU or to an authorised officer, knowing such information to be false, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine up to SCR200,000 or to imprisonment up to six months or to both.53. Secrecy obligations over ridden
54. Protection of information and informants
Part VII – Supervision and enforcement of compliance
55. Responsibility for supervision
56. Written memorandum of understanding amongst supervisory authorities
57. Powers of supervisory authorities
58. Monitoring of reporting entities
59. Reporting obligations of a supervisory authority and its staff
60. Administrative sanctions
61. Appeals Board
62. Appeals
Part VIII – Investigation
63. Investigation powers
64. Obtaining information etc.
65. Search warrant
66. Production order
67. Power to arrest
Part IX – Restraint, seizure and forfeiture
68. Circumstances in which court may make restraint order
69. Restraint order
70. Notice of restraint order to be given to Registrar General
71. Immunity of receiver
Where a receiver appointed under subsection (7) of section 69 takes any action—72. Restraint order when company is in liquidation
73. Effect of restraint order
74. Search and seizure
75. Declaration of cash
76. Court proceedings for forfeiture of cash seized
77. Deposit of cash seized
Cash seized under subsection (2) of section 74 and detained for more than 14 days shall, unless required as evidence of an offence, be held in an interest-bearing account and the interest accruing on any such deposit shall be added to the cash so deposited until the cash is forfeited or released.Part X – Pecuniary penalty order
78. Pecuniary penalty order
79. Calculation of benefit from criminal conduct
80. Pecuniary penalty order to be confined to realizable amount
81. Revision of pecuniary penalty order
82. Further determination leading to increased pecuniary penalty order
83. Procedure for filing statements to assist court in calculating the benefit from criminal conduct
84. Matters to be taken into account in determining the level of a pecuniary penalty order
85. Making pecuniary penalty order where the accused has died or absconded
86. Appeals and compensation
87. Reduction in amount of pecuniary penalty order when realizable property is inadequate
88. Increase in amount of pecuniary penalty order when the value of realizable property increases
89. Enforcement of pecuniary penalty order
Amount outstanding under pecuniary penalty order | Period of imprisonment |
Not exceeding SCR5,000 | 45 days |
Exceeding SCR5,000 but not exceeding SCR10,000 | 3 months |
Exceeding SCR10,000 but not exceeding SCR25,000 | 4 months |
Exceeding SCR25,000 but not exceeding SCR50,000 | 6 months |
Exceeding SCR50,000 but not exceeding SCR100,000 | 9 months |
Exceeding SCR100,000 but not exceeding SCR200,000 | 12 months |
Exceeding SCR200,000 but not exceeding SCR500,000 | 18 months |
Exceeding SCR500,000 but not exceeding SCR1,000,000 | 2 years |
Exceeding SCR1,000,000 but not exceeding SCR2,000,000 | 3 years |
Exceeding SCR2,000,000 but not exceeding R3,000,000 | 4 years |
Exceeding SCR3,000,000 but not exceeding SCR4,000,000 | 6 years |
Exceeding SCR4,000,000 but not exceeding SCR5,000,000 | 8 years |
Exceeding SCR5,000,000 | 10 years |
90. Appointment of receiver for enforcement of pecuniary penalty order
91. Interest on unpaid sums
92. Disposal of proceeds of pecuniary penalty order
Part XI – Asset Recovery Fund
93. Establishment of Asset Recovery Fund
94. Receipts and disbursements from the Asset Recovery Fund
Part XII – Miscellaneous provisions
95. Amendments to First Schedule
96. Amendments to Second Schedule
97. Regulations
98. Protection of action taken in good faith
99. Sharing of information with Seychelles Revenue Commission
Notwithstanding the provisions of the revenue laws or any other law in force in Seychelles, whenever any investigation is instituted under the provisions of this Act, including an investigation into any other offence and an investigation into the property, financial activities, affairs or business of any person, the Commissioner General of the Seychelles Revenue Commission, or any official designated by that person for this purpose, shall be notified of such investigation for sharing of information required for the purpose of investigation by the law enforcing agencies.100. Repeal and savings
History of this document
01 September 2024 amendment not yet applied
Amended by
Virtual Asset Service Providers Act, 2024
19 May 2022 amendment not yet applied
Amended by
Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Act,
17 December 2021 amendment not yet applied
05 March 2021 amendment not yet applied
01 January 2021
Commenced by
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act (Commencement) Notice, 2020
Note: See SI 138 of 2020.
06 March 2020 this version
Assented to
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Land Registration Act | 5 citations |
2. | Mortgage and Registration Act | 5 citations |
Documents citing this one 28
Gazette 23
Act 3
1. | Licences Act, 2010 | 6 citations |
2. | Trusts Act, 2021 | 5 citations |
3. | Extradition Act | 1 citation |
Judgment 1
1. | Valabhji v ACCS (CM 57 of 2024) [2024] SCSC 172 (18 October 2024) |
Statutory Instrument 1
1. | Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Regulations, 2020 |