Related documents
- Is amended by Trusts (Amendment) Act, 2022
- Repeals International Trusts Act
Trusts Act, 2021
Act 34 of 2021
- Published in Supplement to Official Gazette 61 on 6 August 2021
- Assented to on 5 August 2021
- Commenced on 6 August 2021
- [This is the version of this document from 30 September 2022.]
- [Amended by Trusts (Amendment) Act, 2022 (Act 20 of 2022) on 30 September 2022]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Trusts Act, 2021.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—“accounting records” in relation to a trust, means documents relating to—(a)the trust's assets and liabilities;(b)all receipts and expenditure of the trust; and(c)all sales, purchases and other transactions to which the trust is a party;“approved trustee” in relation to—(a)a trust, other than a connected trust, means a licensed trustee; or(b)a connected trust means a private trust company or a licensed trustee.Explanation — For the purposes of this definition, where—(i)the settlor of a trust (the first trust) is a connected person with respect to the settlor of another trust (the second trust), the first trust is connected to the second trust and both trusts are connected trusts;(ii)each trust in a group of two or more trusts are connected to each other, all the trusts in the group are connected trusts;“assessable income” means the assessable income as defined in section 2 of the Business Tax Act;“Authority” means the Financial Services Authority established under the Financial Services Authority Act;“beneficiary” means a person entitled to benefit under a trust or in whose favour a discretion to distribute property held on trust may be exercised;“beneficial owner” in relation to property of a trust—(a)means a person who ultimately owns the property whether, directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with another person; and(b)does not include a nominee who holds the property on behalf of another person;“breach of trust” means a breach of any duty imposed on a trustee by this Act or by the terms of the trust;“charitable purpose” means a purpose defined in section 17;“charitable trust” means a trust created for one or more charitable purposes;“corporate trustee” means a trustee which is a corporation;“corporation” means a company or other body corporate incorporated in Seychelles or any other jurisdiction;“Court” means the Supreme Court of Seychelles;“enforcer” shall be construed in accordance with Chapter 9 of Part II;“foreign law” means the laws of any jurisdiction outside Seychelles;“foreign trust” means a trust whose proper law is the law of a jurisdiction other than Seychelles;“former trust” means a trust established under the repealed Act;“incapacitated adult” means an individual, other than a minor, who has no capacity to contract under the law of Seychelles or under the law of the person's domicile;“interest of a beneficiary” means the beneficiary's interest under a trust and references to the beneficiary's interest have a corresponding meaning;“licensed trustee” means a company licensed to provide trustee services under the International Corporate Service Providers Act;“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Finance;“minor” means an individual under the age of eighteen;“non-charitable purpose” means a purpose other than a charitable purpose;“officer” in relation to a corporation, includes a director, manager or secretary;“person” includes any individual, company or other body corporate;“personal representative” means the executor or administrator for the time being of a deceased person and, in the context of a Seychelles trust, includes the principal heir;“private trust company” means a private trust company as defined in the International Business Companies Act, 2016 (Act 15 of 2016);“professional persons” means accountants, advocates, attorneys-at-law, bankers, brokers, custodians, investment advisors, investment managers, nominees, custodians, property agents, solicitors and other professional agents or persons;“property” means property of any description wherever situated, and in relation to rights and interests, includes the rights and interests whether vested, contingent, defeasible or future;“protector” shall be construed in accordance with Chapter 8 of Part II;“purpose trust” means a trust created for the fulfillment of one or more non-charitable purposes, whether or not it has any beneficiaries;“Register” means the register of trusts to be kept by the Authority pursuant to section 13(1);“registered trust” means a trust in respect of which a trustee appointment declaration has been registered under section 11(3);“repealed Act” means the International Trusts Act (Cap 275);“settlor” shall be construed in accordance with section 4;“Seychelles trust” means a trust created or established under section 8;“terms of the trust” means—(a)in the case of a Seychelles trust, the written terms of the trust and any other terms made applicable by this Act; and(b)in the case of a foreign trust, the written or oral terms of trust and any other terms made applicable by the proper law of the trust;“trust” has the meaning as defined in section 3, and includes—(a)the trust property; and(b)the rights, powers, duties, interests, relationships and obligations under a trust;“trustee appointment declaration” means a declaration by an approved trustee in accordance with section 11(2);“trust property” means the property held in a trust.3. Existence and recognition of a trust
4. The settlor
5. Proper law of a trust
6. Jurisdiction of Court
The Court has jurisdiction where—Part II – Provisions applicable to Seychelles trusts
Chapter 1
Trust establishment and registration
7. Application of Part II
This Part shall apply only to a Seychelles trust, except for sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 which shall apply to a Seychelles trust and a foreign trust.8. Trust to be in writing
9. Seychelles trusts
Subject to this Act, the proper law of a Seychelles trust is the laws of Seychelles.10. Trust property, operation and restriction
11. Registration of trustee appointment declaration
12. Notice of appointment or termination of a trustee
13. Register of trusts
14. Validity of a Seychelles trust
15. Duration of a Seychelles trust
16. Powers reserved by settlor
17. Charitable purposes
Chapter 2
18. Beneficiaries of a trust
19. Entitlement of beneficiary to information
20. Disclaimer of interest
Chapter 3
Appointment, resignation and discharge of trustees
21. Number and type of trustees
22. Appointment of new or additional trustee
23. Prohibition of renunciation after acceptance
24. Resignation or renewal of trustee
Chapter 4
Duties and general powers of trustees
25. Duties of trustees
26. Duty to keep accounting records
27. Location of accounting records
28. Duty to keep trust register
29. Furnishing of records
30. Duty of co-trustees to act together
30A. Request of information between trustees
31. Impartiality of trustee
Subject to the terms of the trust, where there is more than one beneficiary, or more than one purpose, or at least one beneficiary and at least one purpose, a trustee shall be impartial and shall not execute the trust for the advantage of one at the expense of another.32. Power of trustee
33. Delegation by trustee
34. Remuneration and expenses of trustee
35. Power to appropriate
Subject to the terms of the trust, a trustee may, without the consent of any beneficiary, appropriate trust property in or towards satisfaction of the interest of a beneficiary in such manner as the trustee thinks fit.36. Corporate trustee acting by resolution
A corporate trustee may—37. Trustee disclosures
Chapter 5
Liability of trustee
38. Liability for breach of trust
39. Beneficiary may relieve or indemnify trustee
40. Trustee acting in respect of more than one trust
41. Liability of trustee to third parties
42. Constructive trustee
43. Position of outgoing trustee
Chapter 6
Variation of trusts, certain powers and class interests
44. Variation of terms of a trust
Without prejudice to the power of the Court to vary the terms of a trust, a trust may be varied in any manner provided by its terms.45. Power of accumulation and advancement
46. Power of trustee to appoint or assign
The terms of a trust may confer on the trustee or any other person power to appoint or assign all or any part of the trust property or any interest in the trust property to, or to trustees for the benefit of, any person, whether or not such person was a beneficiary of the trust immediately prior to such appointment or assignment.47. Power of revocation
48. Power to provide for change of proper law
The terms of a trust may provide for the proper law of the trust to be changed to the law of another jurisdiction.49. Class interests
Chapter 7
Failure, lapse and termination of trusts
50. Failure or lapse of interest
51. Termination of a trust
Chapter 8
52. Appointment of protector
53. Powers of a protector
54. Remuneration and expense of protector
55. Entitlement of protector to documents
56. Duty of co-protectors to act together
57. Liability of a protector
A protector or a person acting as an officer, employee or agent of the protector or performing any duty on behalf of the protector shall not be liable for damages done or omitted to be done in the discharge of the duties of the protector under this Act or under the terms of the trust, unless it is proved that the act or omission constituted or arose from the person's own fraud, dishonesty or willful misconduct.58. Cessation of appointment of protector
Chapter 9
59. Enforcer
60. Duties of enforcer
61. Remuneration and expense of enforcer
62. Entitlement of enforcer to documents
63. Duty of co-enforcers to act together
64. Liability of enforcer
An enforcer or a person acting as an officer, employee or agent of the enforcer or performing any duty on behalf of the enforcer shall not be liable in damages for anything done or omitted to be done in the discharge or of the duties of the enforcer under this Act or under the terms of the trust, unless it is proved that the act or omission constituted or arose from the person's own fraud, dishonesty or willful misconduct.65. Cessation of appointment of enforcer
Chapter 10
Trust protection provisions
66. Application of Laws of Seychelles to a Seychelles trust
67. Protection of trust property
68. Spendthrift or protective trust
Part III – Powers of Court
69. Application of Part III
This Part shall apply in relation to a Seychelles trust and, to the extent that the context admits, shall apply to a foreign trust.70. Application for directions
A trustee may apply to the Court for direction in respect of the manner in which the trustee may act in connection with any matter relating to the trust and the Court may make such order, as it thinks fit.71. Application and certain powers of Court
72. Variation of terms of a Seychelles trust by Court and approval of transactions
73. Charitable trusts or purpose trusts
74. Power to relieve trustee from personal liability
75. Execution of instruments by order of Court
Where a trustee commits a breach of trust at the instigation or at the request or with the consent of a beneficiary, the Court may by order impound all or part of the interest of the beneficiary by way of indemnity to the trustee or any person claiming through the trustee.76. Power to indemnify beneficiary for breach of trust
77. Payment of costs
The Court may order the costs and expenses incidental to an application to the Court under this Act to be paid out of the trust property or to be paid in such manner by such persons as the Court may direct.78. Interpretation and general provisions relating to sections 79 and 80
79. Power to set aside a transfer or disposition of property to a trust due to mistake
80. Power to set aside the exercise of powers in relation to a trust or trust property due to mistake
Part IV – Foreign trusts
81. Provisions relating to foreign trusts
Part V – Provisions of general application
82. Application of Part V
This Part shall apply to a Seychelles trust and, to the extent that the context admits, shall apply to a foreign trust.83. Nature of interest of trustee in trust property
84. Limitation of interest of trustee and following of trust property
85. Protection of persons dealing with trustee
86. Limitation of actions or prescription
87. Fiscal matters
Part VI – Miscellaneous
88. Immunity
No action, prosecution or other proceedings shall be brought against the Authority or an employee or agent of the Authority, in respect of an act done or omitted to be done in good faith by such person in the performance of functions under this Act.89. Compliance inspections
90. Non-disclosure obligation and permitted exceptions
91. Punishment for contravening any provision for which no fine is provided
Any person who contravenes any provisions of this Act, for which no fine is provided for in this Act, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding SCR500,000.92. Power of Authority to refuse to take action in certain cases
93. Act to prevail over other laws
Where there is any inconsistency between this Act and the Civil Code of Seychelles Act or the Commercial Code of Seychelles Act, this Act shall prevail.94. Regulations
The Minister may make regulations for carrying out and giving effect to the provisions of this Act and may by regulations amend the Schedule.Part VII – Repeal, savings and transitional provisions
95. Repeal, savings and transitional provisions of International Trusts Act 1994
96. Re-registration of former trusts
History of this document
30 September 2022 this version
Amended by
Trusts (Amendment) Act, 2022
06 August 2021
05 August 2021
Assented to
Cited documents 3
Act 3
1. | International Business Companies Act, 2016 | 285 citations |
2. | Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act, 2020 | 28 citations |
3. | Beneficial Ownership Act, 2020 | 23 citations |