Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2011

Statutory Instrument 63 of 2011

Licences Act, 2010

Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2011

Statutory Instrument 63 of 2011

  • Commenced on 31 October 2011
  • [This is the version of this document at 5 July 2017.]
[SI 63 of 2011]

1. Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2011.

2. Interpretation

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—cafe” means any establishment where coffee, tea, soft drinks, meals and refreshments are served and sold to customers for consumption on the premises;catering service” means the business of cooking, preparing and supplying meals, snacks, coffee, tea or soft drinks for parties, meeting, gatherings held either in a house, office or any other place;discotheque” means a place offering drinks and a floor show or dancing to the accompaniment of recorded or live music, to which persons are admitted on payment of a fee or otherwise;floor show” means a musical, dance or theatrical performance by a person, or a group of persons but excludes indecent act including stripping or striptease;hotel” means any establishment that provides lodging with or without food and drink to the public for hire, the rate of which is calculated on a daily basis;guesthouse” means an establishment with not more than 10 rooms that provides lodging with or without food and drink to the public for hire, the rate of which is calculated on a daily basis, in which the common facilities are for the exclusive use of its clients;premises” means the premises where a person is licensed to keep or manage any type of accommodation or establishment or activity under these Regulations;Planning Authority” mean the Planning Authority established under the Town and Country Planning Act;restaurant” means any establishment that prepares cooks and serves meals and beverages for sale to customers;self-catering establishment” means any establishment of one or more rooms rented or hired as one unit that provides lodging and self-catering facilities to the public in which the facilities and equipment are provided for self-catering;Seychelles Tourism Board” means the Seychelles Tourism Board established under the Seychelles Tourism Board Act;take-away business” means the business of preparing or selling meals and soft drinks to be consumed elsewhere than on the premises, except where approval has been given by the Authority for consuming on the premises;tobacco product” has the meaning given in the Tobacco Control Act;weapon” means an object which may be used to cause harm to others or endanger the life of others and includes firearms, offensive weapons, ammunition and explosives defined in section 84(8) of the penal code.

3. Application for licence

(1)The applicant shall apply to the Planning Authority for a certificate of occupancy prior to applying for a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse, restaurant, self-catering establishment, discotheque or cafe.
(2)An application for a licence referred to in subregulation (1) shall be in the form approved by the Authority.

4. Fees and documents to accompany application

(1)An application for a licence shall be accompanied by the licence fee specified in Schedule 1 and documents specified in Schedule 2.
(2)When an application for a licence is refused the Authority shall refund to the applicant the licence fee and the surcharge, if any.

5. Restriction on grant of licence

The Authority shall not grant a licence to—
(a)an individual who—
(i)is less than 18 years old;
(ii)is an undischarged bankrupt; or
(iii)is not a fit and proper person to hold a licence due to the bad character or physical infirmity of the individual;
(iv)has, within the five years preceding the date of the application, been convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or immorality;
(v)does not have the qualifications and experience referred to in Schedule 2;
(b)to a firm, if any of the partners of the firm is disqualified from obtaining a licence under paragraph (a)(i) to (v);
(c)to a corporate body, if any of its directors or managers are disqualified under paragraph (a)(i) to (v).

6. Bodies to be consulted

Prior to granting a licence, the Authority shall consult—
(a)in the case of a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment or restaurant, the Seychelles Tourism Board as to whether the business complies with the tourism code of practice and standards;
(b)the Department responsible for Public Health as to whether the premises comply with all health requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(c)in the case of a discotheque, the Commissioner of Police;
(d)the Planning Authority as to whether the premises comply with all planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(e)the Fire Services Agency.

7. Extended scope of licence

(1)A licence to keep or manage a hotel shall, subject to these Regulations and any other laws regulating the sale, consumption and use of liquor and tobacco product, in so far as they are not inconsistent with these Regulations, authorise the holder of the licence to keep or manage a restaurant, or more than one restaurant, in accordance with the relevant standards, on the premises of the hotel and to sell liquor and tobacco product
(a)to a bona fide guest in the hotel for consumption or use by the guest on the premises of the hotel;
(b)to any person in the public bar of the hotel for consumption or use the public bar;
(c)to any person taking meals in the restaurant of the hotel for consumption or use in the restaurant.
(2)A licence to keep or manage a guesthouse shall, subject to these Regulations and any other laws regulating the sale, consumption and use of liquor and tobacco product, in so far as they are not inconsistent with these Regulations, authorise the holder of the licence to keep or manage a restaurant in accordance with the relevant standards, on the premises of the guesthouse and to sell liquor and tobacco product to a bona fide guest in the guesthouse for consumption or use by the guest on the premises of the guesthouse.
(3)A licence to keep or manage a restaurant or cafe shall, subject to these Regulations and to any other laws regulating the sale, consumption or use of liquor or tobacco product, in so far as they are not inconsistent with these Regulations authorise the holder of the licence to sell liquor and tobacco product to any person taking meals in the restaurant or the cafe for consumption or use in the restaurant or cafe.
(4)A Licence to keep or manage a discotheque shall, subject to these Regulations and to any other laws regulating the sale, consumption of liquor and use of tobacco product, in so far as they are not inconsistent with these Regulations authorise the holder of the licence to sell liquor and tobacco product to any person during the hours of business for consumption or use on the premises of the discotheque.
(5)A Licence to keep or manage a hotel or a restaurant or a cafe shall authorise the holder of the licence to provide catering services.
(6)A licence to keep or manage a hotel shall authorise the holder of the licence to hold dances and floor shows for its bona fide guests and members of the public on payment of a fee or as otherwise decided by the management.

8. Conditions of licence

The holder of a licence shall, in addition to any conditions the Authority may specify in the licence, fulfil the following—
(i)in the case of a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment or restaurant
(a)ensure that the premises comply with the standards laid down by the Planning Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board;
(b)ensure that the premises comply with the standards of hygiene laid down by the Department responsible for Public Health;
(c)make necessary arrangements with the Land Waste Management Agency (LWMA) or other licensed refuse collector approved by the LWMA for the disposal of the rubbish from the premises, except for self-catering establishments of up to 7 rooms, and to ensure that the area surrounding the premises is kept clean;
(d)ensure that the premises is kept or managed by a person qualified to manage the particular type of premises as specified in Schedule 2;
(e)in the case of hotels, guesthouses and self­-catering establishments, provide employees with a standard form of dress and a name badge to be worn while on duty;
(f)avoid making misleading or inaccurate statements, claims or representations in advertising material or otherwise in respect of the hotel, guesthouses, self-catering establishment or restaurant and, in particular—
(i)make use of sketches, photographs or other pictorial representations to portray existing or proposed developments or non-existent scenes without indicating that such portrayal is a sketch or other pictorial representation and, where appropriate, that the proposed development or scene does not exist; and
(ii)make use of statements, sketches, photographs or other pictorial representations relating to facilities for sports, recreation or other facilities which do not exist at the hotel, guesthouse, self­-catering establishment or restaurant or within the curtilage of hotel, guest house, self-catering establishment or restaurant;
(iii)make derogatory or unfair references to any other person licensed to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment or restaurant;
(iv)permit any gaming, drunkenness, drug abuse or disorderly conduct of any kind to take place within the premises;
(ii)in the case of a licence to keep or manage a cafe or take-away business
(a)avoid making derogatory or unfair references to any other person licensed to keep a cafe or engaged in a take-away business;
(b)not sell or permit the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the premises licensed as a take-away business;
(c)ensure that the premises comply with the standards laid down by the Planning Authority;
(d)ensure that the premises comply with the standards of hygiene laid down by the Department responsible for Public Health.
(e)ensure that the premises are kept or managed by a person qualified to manage that particular type of premises;
(f)ensure that the take-away box or plate used by the take-away business to supply meals bears a stamp, sticker or logo to identify the business premises; and
(iii)in the case of a licence to keep or manage a discotheque
(a)not employ or allow a person under the age of 18 years or a person who has been convicted of an offence under any written law regulating the sale of, liquor to have custody or control of liquor on the premises;
(b)not sell liquor to a person who is in a state of intoxication;
(c)not encourage or incite a person already in a state of intoxicated;
(d)not permit any drunkenness, violence, drug abuse, quarrelsome or riotous behaviour of any kind on the premises;
(e)not allow liquor to be consumed on the premises at a time when it is not authorised under the licence to sell liquor;
(f)not adulterate any liquor intended for sale to the public, or have in the licence holder‘s possession adulterated liquor;
(g)ensure that the premises comply with the standards laid down by the Planning Authority;
(h)ensure that the premises comply with the standards of hygiene laid down by the Department responsible for Public Health;
(i)ensure that two or more security officers are employed to maintain order at any time during the opening hours of the premises;
(j)have on the premises a metal detector for the purpose of detecting any weapon hidden on a person seeking admission to the premises;
(k)ensure that the premises are kept or managed by a person qualified to manage that particular type of premises;
(l)ensure that the number of persons admitted to the premises at any time does not exceed the maximum number specified in the licence;
(m)ensure that the premises are sound proofed to the satisfaction of the Authority.

9. Change of management or ownership

(1)The holder of licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment shall not change the name of the hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment without the prior written approval of the Seychelles Tourism Board.
(2)The holder of the licence shall notify the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board in writing where there is any change in the management or ownership of a licensed establishment within ten days of the change.

10. Restriction on sale of liquor and tobacco product

The holder of a licence or the servant or agent of the holder of a licence shall not sell liquor or tobacco product to, or allow liquor to be consumed on the premises by, any person under the age of 18 years.

11. Restriction on admission to discotheques

The holder of a licence to keep or manage a discotheque shall not permit a person under the age of 18 years or who is unable to produce an identification document which proves to the satisfaction of the holder of the licence that the person is 18 years old or over to enter the premises except if the premises is being used for the purposes stated in regulation 28(d).[Note: There was no numering to the above paragraph in the Gazette.]
(2)It shall not be a defence for the holder of a licence, who has contravened this regulation that the person admitted without proof of the person‘s age appeared to be 18 years old.

12. Particulars of clients

(1)The holder of a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guest house or self-catering establishment shall require every client seeking accommodation on the premises to furnish the following particulars—
(a)full name;
(c)particulars of any identity card, passport or other travel document issued to the client;
(d)address and place of origin of the client;
(e)the probable length of the stay;
(f)occupation and place of employment of the client; and
(g)the time and date of arrival.
(2)The particulars referred to in subregulation (1) shall be entered in a guest card, in the case of a hotel, and a log book, in the case of guesthouse or self-catering establishment.
(3)The guest shall complete and sign the guest card or the log book as required before occupying a room, in the hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment.
(4)Where a guest is unable to sign, the client shall place such other mark as the holder of the licence may require.
(5)On the departure of every guest the holder of the licence shall record the time and date of the departure of the guest in the guest card or log book.

13. Register of property left by clients

(1)The holder of a licence to keep or managed a hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment shall keep a register of any properties left on the premises of the hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment by any guest.
(2)The register referred to in subregulation (1) shall be in such form as approved by the Seychelles Tourism Board.

14. Infectious diseases

(1)In the event of any person in a hotel, a guesthouse or self-catering establishment, whether a guest or otherwise, contracting an infectious disease, the holder of the licence shall forthwith report to the Medical Officer of health or the police.
(2)The holder of the licence shall carry out the instructions given by the Medical Officer of Health or the Commissioner of Police;

15. Deaths

In the event of any death or absence of any guest of a hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment, the holder of the licence shall without delay report such death or absence to the officer in charge of the nearest police station.

16. Maintenance of premises

All premises licensed under these Regulations shall be kept clean and maintained in good order and repair at all times.

17. Disposal of refuse

Refuse shall not be deposited in any part of the premises except in refuse bins.

18. Firefighting equipment

(1)Firefighting equipment shall be fitted, installed and maintained in all licensed establishments, as applicable, to the satisfaction of the Fire and Rescue Services Agency.
(2)Where lifts are provided, they shall be kept in good and safe operational condition.
(3)All staircases, passages, landings and exists shall be kept clear of obstructions and doors constructed and fitted as to be capable of being readily opened.

19. Search of persons seeking admission to discotheques

(1)Where a licence holder, the agent or servant of the licence holder suspects that a person, who is seeking entrance to the discotheque, is in possession of any weapon, the licence holder, the agent or the servant of the licence holder may require the person to submit to a search and if the person refuses to submit, the licence holder, the agent or the servant of the licence holder shall refuse the person admission to the premises.
(2)A female person seeking admission to a discotheque shall only be searched by a female agent or servant of the licence holder.
(3)If during a search under this regulation a weapon or liquor is found on the person seeking admission, the licence holder, the agent or the servant of the licence holder shall refuse admission to the person onto the premises.
(4)A person shall not enter a discotheque with a weapon except a police officer on duty or any other person acting under the authority of the Commissioner of Police.
(5)A person who contravenes this regulation commits an offence and is liable to a fine of not less than Scr 5000 and not exceeding Scr 50,000 and to imprisonment for two years.
(6)The holder of a licence shall be in breach of the condition of the licence if a weapon which could have been detected by a metal detector required under regulation 8(iii)(j) is found on the premises.

20. Power to refuse admission

(1)The holder of a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe or discotheque, shall refuse to admit and expel from the premises any person—
(a)who is drunk, violent, quarrelsome or disorderly,
(b)whose presence on the premises would make the holder of the licence liable to a penalty under the Act or any other written law, or
(c)who is prohibited by a notice under subregulation (2) from entering the premises; or
(d)who refuses to submit to a search under regulation 19.
(2)The Commissioner of Police may issue a notice to a person who has been expelled from or refused admission on more than one occasion to the premises under subregulation (1) and who, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Police, has on the premises
(a)caused annoyance to any person;
(b)caused a nuisance;
(c)behaved in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace;
(d)behaved in a disorderly or indecent manner;
(e)publicly committed an indecent act;
(f)used indecent or obscene language; or
(g)solicited for immoral purposes,
prohibiting that person for a specified period not exceeding 12 months from entering the premises specified in the notice.
(3)A notice under subregulation (2) shall be delivered personally to the person to whom it is addressed and copies of the notice together with a photograph of the person shall be sent to all licence holders of such premises and to the Authority.
(4)A person to whom notice has been delivered under subregulation (3) who fails to comply with the notice commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of two years.
(5)A police officer may, at the request of the holder of the licence or the manager of the premises, expel or assist in expelling from the premises any person who has been refused admission to, or expelled from, the premises or who has been issued with a notice under this regulation.

21. Admission to hotel, guesthouse, restaurant and bar

A person licensed to keep or manage a hotel shall not refuse to admit to the restaurant or bar of the premises any person where the premises is not closed for a private function or the person has not been issued a notice under regulation 20.

22. Suspension, revocation and non-renewal of licence

(1)The Authority may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew, a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe, discotheque or engage in a take-away business or provide catering services where the Authority has reasonable grounds to believe that the holder of the licence—
(a)has made any misrepresentation or failed to disclose any material fact in applying for the licence and thereby influenced the Authority to grant the licence;
(b)has acted in contravention of these Regulations;
(c)has contravened any conditions of the licence;
(d)is incapable of providing the services authorised by the licence;
(e)or the manager or any of the directors of the licence holder has been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty, fraud or moral turpitude;
(f)or the manager or any of the directors of the licence holder has hindered or obstructed any officer of the Authority or the Seychelles Tourism Board in the performance of any of their duties under these Regulations on at least two occasions within a period of one year.
(2)A person who is aggrieved by the Authority‘s decision to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a licence under these Regulations may appeal to the Appeals Board.
(3)Where a licence is suspended or revoked, the licence holder shall cease to carry on the licensed activity.

23. Validity of licence

A licence shall be valid for five years unless revoked by the Authority, and is not transferable.

24. Display of licence

The holder of a licence shall display—
(a)the licence at a conspicuous place at the licence holder‘s principal place of business;
(b)clearly and conspicuously on the premises of the hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe, take-away business for the information of clients and the public, where applicable, a list of the prices for accommodation, set meals, drinks and services provided by the licence holder;
(c)in a conspicuous place outside the hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe or takeaway business a signboard showing the name and type of the establishment in English or French and such other language as the licence holder may require.

25. Licence fees

(1)The licence fees payable under these Regulations are specified in Schedule 1.
(2)The licence fee in respect of a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe, discotheque, take away business or catering services is payable not later than the day immediately following its expiration. If the holder of the licence fails to pay the licence fee by the due day, the licence shall be deemed to have expired without prejudice to the right of the Authority to recover the fee or installment due on the date the licence is deemed to have expired.

26. Surcharges

A person who was the holder of a licence and who makes an application, after the expiration of a licence, for the same type of licence, shall, unless the Authority is satisfied that the person had, after the expiration of the person‘s licence, ceased to carry on the activity that had been licenced, be liable, in addition to the licence fee and any other penalty under these Regulations, to a surcharge equal to 10% of the licence fee for each month or part thereof constituting the period between the date of expiration of the licence and the date of the application.

27. Power of entry, inspection and search

(1)Any person authorised by the Authority or a police officer not below the rank of sergeant may, at any time, enter a licensed premises or any building or place reasonably suspected of being used for the purpose of a hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishment, restaurant, cafe, discotheques, take-away business, or for providing catering services, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with these Regulations and make such search and inspection as is considered necessary.
(2)Without prejudice to the generality of the powers referred to in subregulation (1), any such person or officer referred to in subregulation (1) may—
(a)inspect registers and other documents kept by the licence holder or occupant;
(b)inspect the building and all parts thereof and the facilities for cooking and sanitation;
(c)enter into rooms to identify clients; and
(d)question the holder of the licence or occupant and employees.
(3)The holder of a licence shall provide all the necessary assistance possible to the person or police officer referred to in subregulation (1) to conduct such inspection or search.
(4)The person or police officer referred to in subregulation (1) shall provide proof of their identity or authorisation to the licence holder or the licence holder‘s servant prior to conducting any search or inspection referred to in subregulations (1) and (2).

28. Exemption

These Regulations shall not apply to the following classes of premises or services provided therein—
(a)student hotels approved by the Authority;
(b)residential clubs and other institutions approved by the Authority;
(c)any building used exclusively for the boarding of persons under the control of a religious institution, school of training institution;
(d)licenced discotheque when the premises are being used upon the approval of the Authority to host—
(i)a private function;
(ii)an indoor sporting competition, fashion show or cultural show or other show where there is no restriction on the age of admission.

29. Repeal

The Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2001 are hereby repealed.

30. Transitional provisions

(1)Any licence granted under the Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2001 shall continue in force until the expiry of the licence.
(2)On the expiration of a licence to keep or manage a “Luxury villa” granted under the Licences (Accommodation, Catering and Entertainment Establishments) Regulations, 2001, the establishment shall be licensed as “self-catering” establishment.

Schedule 1 (Regulation 4(1))

Licence fees to be paid for five years

1. Licence fee to keep or manage a cafe1200
2. Licence fee to engage in providing catering services 500
4. Licence fee to keep or manage discotheque
[Please note: numbering as in original.]
5. Licence fee to keep or manage a hotel100 per room
6. Licence fee to keep or manage a guesthouse1200
7. Licence to keep or manage a restaurant1500
8. Licence fee to keep or manage self-catering establishment1000
9. Licence to engage in a take away business1200

Schedule 2 (Regulation 4(1))

Documents to accompany application

1.Hotel, guesthouse, self-catering establishments
(i)in the case of an individual applying for a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment—
(a)where the number of rooms is 25 or above, a certified copy of a certificate showing that the applicant possesses a degree or diploma in hotel management from an institution of international reputation acceptable to the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board;
(b)where the number of hotel rooms is 25 or above, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that the applicant has the necessary experience and finance to keep and manage the type of hotel referred to in the application;
(c)where the number of hotel rooms is 25 or above, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the applicant has in his employment persons who are qualified to work as Chef and Human Resources Manager;
(d)where the number of rooms is of 8 to 24, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that—
(i)the applicant has the necessary experience in hotel management to keep or manage the type of establishment;
(ii)the applicant has the necessary finance to keep and manage the establishment; and
(e)documents showing that the hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment has been registered as a business name under the Registration of Business Names Act;
(f)proof of valid Insurance cover for public liability;
(g)in the case of any application for a licence to keep or manage a new or renovated hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment of more than seven rooms, planning approval that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(ii)in the case of a firm or body corporate applying for a licence to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse or self­-catering establishment—
(a)in the case of a hotel of 25 or more rooms, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that—
(i)the general manager of the premises posses a degree or diploma from an institution of international repute acceptable to the Authority and Seychelles Tourism Board and has the necessary experience to keep and manage the type of establishment referred to in the application;
(ii)the firm or body corporate will employ persons qualified to work as Chef and Human Resources Manager for this type of establishment;
(b)proof that the firm or body corporate has the necessary finance to keep and manage the type of establishment referred to in the application;
(c)in the case of a hotel of 8 to 24 rooms, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that the firm or body corporate—
(i)has in its employment a person with the necessary experience in management to keep or manage this type of establishment;
(ii)the necessary finance to keep and manage the establishment; and
(d)documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the firm or body corporate is the owner or lessee of the premises;
(e)proof of valid insurance cover for public liability;
(f)in the case of an application for a licence for a new or renovated hotel, guesthouse or self-catering of more than seven rooms, planning approval that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(iii)in the case of a Seychellois applying for change of use from a residential to self-catering and where the establishment is not more than seven rooms—
(a)documentary proof, to the satisfaction of the Authority, that the applicant is the owner or lessee of the premises;
(b)documentary proof that the applicant has a proven experience in tourism;
(c)proof of valid insurance cover for public liability;
(d)photographs and plans of the building;
(e)documentary proof that the business name of the establishment had been registered under the Registration of Business Names Act.
2.Restaurant, cafe, discotheque, take-away business or providing catering services
(i)in the case of an individual documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that—
(a)the applicant has the necessary experience and finance to keep and manage the type of establishment to which the application refers;
(b)the business name of the establishment has been registered under the Registration of Business Names Act;
(c)the applicant is the owner or lessee of the premises;
(d)where the premises are to be used for catering services or takeaway business, approval of the Department of Public Health that the premises satisfies the health requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(e)in the case of an application for a licence to keep and manage an establishment in new or renovated premises, planning approval and certificate of occupancy that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
(f)in the case of discotheque, documentary proof of valid insurance cover for public liability.
(ii)in the case of a firm—
(a)the documents specified in paragraph 2(i)(a) in respect of each of the partners of the firm and documents specified in paragraph 2(i)(b) and (c) and where applicable 2(i)(d);
(b)true copy of certificate of registration of the firm;
(iii)in the case of a corporate body—
(a)a true copy of the certificate of incorporation and memorandum of association;
(b)documents specified in paragraph 2(i)(a), (c), (d) and (e);
(c)documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that the applicant has in employment persons having the necessary experience to keep the type of establishment to which the application refers.
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History of this document

05 July 2017 this version
31 October 2011