Director of Social Security Fund v Public Service Appeals Board (Civil Side 162 of 2010) [2011] SCSC 46 (29 July 2011)


Civil Side No. 162 of 2010

Director of Social Security Fund ............................................................................Petitioner




Public Service Appeals Board ...............................................................................Respondent


Divino Sabino for the Petitioner

David Esparon for the Respondent



 Egonda-Ntende, CJ

[1] The Petitioner has come to this court by way of judicial review in exercise of this court's jurisdiction under article 125 of the Constitution of Seychelles. He is aggrieved by the decision of the Respondent, a constitutional body, in entertaining a complaint of one Tina Charles, a cashier with the Ministry of Finance, whose employment had been terminated by the Principal Secretary of that Ministry on grounds of gross negligence and in the interest of the organisation.


[2] The letter terminating Ms Charles read in part,



'Reference is made to the hearing held on 28 September 2009. Based on the evidence gathered on file and during the hearing, this is to inform you that your actions have led to gross negligence and you are being terminated from the service in the interest of the organisation, with immediate effect. Upon termination, you will be paid all your terminal benefits, details of which will be shown under separate cover.'

[3] Ms Charles lodged a complaint with the Respondent which after hearing her and her employers, concluded,

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1. Hermitte v Attorney General & Anor (SCA 48 of 2017) [2020] SCCA 19 (21 August 2020) 4 citations