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- Is amended by Business Tax (Amendment) Act, 2020
Probation of Offenders Act
Chapter 184
- Commenced on 7 March 1966
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 1 December 2014 to 11 November 2021.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Probation of Offenders Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act"community service" means work performed by a willing offender without remuneration at a place or in a project for a period of not less than 40 hours and not more than 240 hours in terms of an order of the court under this Act.[definition of "community service" inserted by Act 19 of 2014 with effect from 27 October 2014]"court" means the Supreme Court or the Magistrates' Court and includes a Juvenile Court;[definition of "court" amended by Act 19 of 2014 with effect from 27 October 2014]"judicial officer" means a Judge, a Magistrate, a Justice of the Peace or the Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court;"Juvenile Court" means a court sitting under section 93 of the Children Act;[definition of "Juvenile Court" inserted by Act 19 of 2014 with effect from 27 October 2014]"Minister" means the Minister responsible for social affairs[definition of "Minister" inserted by Act 19 of 2014 with effect from 27 October 2014]"period of conditional discharge" means the period specified in an order for conditional discharge;"probation committee" means a group of persons appointed under the provisions of section 4;"prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made under section 12;"probation officer" means a person appointed to be a probation officer under section 3;"probation period" means the period for which a probationer is placed under supervision by a probation order;"probationer" means a person for the time being under supervision by virtue of a probation order.3. Appointment of probation officers
4. Probation committee
5. Probation
5A. Community service order
6. Discharge, amendment and review of probation orders
7. Action on breach of probation order
8. Absolute and conditional discharge
9. Commission of further offence
10. Supplementary provisions as to probation and discharge
11. Effects of probation and discharge
12. Power to make regulations
The Minister may make regulations providing for—13. Functions of probation officers to under 18's
Where the probationer is under 18 years of age the probation officer shall while the probation order remains in force, supervise the probationer by visiting, advising and befriending him and if necessary helping him to find suitable training.History of this document
12 November 2021 amendment not yet applied
01 December 2014 this version
07 March 1966
Cited documents 0
Subsidiary legislation
Probation of Offenders (Amendment) Regulations, 2015 | Statutory Instrument 52 of 2015 | 26 October 2015 |
Probation of Offenders Regulations | Statutory Instrument 23 of 1966 | 1 December 2014 |